Valley View School

Curriculum and Instruction

In-School Learning, Hybrid, and Distance Learning

Academic assessment data and communication between teachers will help teachers determine the instructional starting point for 2020-2021 school year.

Units of study will be condensed to focus on priority learning standards at each grade-level.

Curriculum Implementation

  • Grade Level collaboration to review curriculum content and delivery

  • Use of Staff Meetings to collaborate and improve instructional practices

  • Collaboration with Curriculum Specialists, Curriculum Director and Building principal to ensure rigor and vertical articulation

In-School Learning

Instruction to take place in a traditional classroom setting with modification to room configuration and student grouping to maximize social distancing.

Hybrid Model

Two days of traditional classroom instruction for up to 50% of students followed by three days of remote learning that support the previous in-class lessons.

Distance Learning

Full distance learning for all students. Curriculum to parallel in-person learning to the greatest extent possible

Instruction Implementation

  • Departmental collaboration to review and create instructional delivery plans for each school model

  • Collaboration with Curriculum Specialists, Curriculum Director and building principal to ensure rigor and vertical articulation

  • Staff Meetings will be used to refine instructional practices

Assessment and Grading

In-School Learning

Grading will be in accordance with standard practice (Standard Based Report Cards). Assessment tools will be modified to align with social distancing guidelines and priority learning standards.

Hybrid Model

Grading will be in accordance with standard practice (Standard Based Report Cards). Assessment tools will be modified to align with social distancing guidelines and priority learning standards.

Distance Learning

Grading will be in accordance with standard practice (Standard Based Report Cards). Assessment tools will be modified to align with social distancing guidelines and priority learning standards.

Assessment and Grading Implementation

  • Departmental collaboration to review and create assessment practices and tools

  • Collaboration with Curriculum Specialists, Curriculum Director and building principal to ensure rigor and vertical articulation

  • Use of Google Meets to assess students during distance learning