Portland Middle School

Fall Reopening Models

Portland Middle School is planning for 3 possible scenarios of re-opening in the fall, so that it can adapt to changing health conditions in the surrounding community. The level of risk for the transmission of COVID-19 will determine which of these scenarios is implemented. Portland Middle School has developed a school-based task-force that will continuously evaluate and adapt these models to improve their level of effectiveness at educating students in the safest possible conditions.

We will be starting the year with a Hybrid model until Columbus day, when the implementation model will be reviewed.

Plan A: Full Re-Opening

The current 8 period schedule of Portland Middle School will be converted to a 4-period block schedule, with periods that are 88 minutes in length. The schedule will run on a 4-day rotation, so that students attend periods 1, 3, 5, and 7 on odd days; and 2, 4, 6, and 8 on even days. Periods 5 and 6 will be extended to accommodate a lunch period as well. In this, "stay-put" model, students will remain with a cohort of students in on dedicated location throughout the day. Each block period will be structured so that the cohort can take breaks outdoors as well (scheduled at different times from other cohorts). All middle school programming will continue to be offered; including unified arts, band, and choir; but the delivery of instruction will be modified to minimize shared materials and maximize social distancing.

Plan B: Hybrid

In this model, student cohorts will be split in half and assigned into either group 1 or 2. One group will go through their block schedule in school for two consecutive school days, while the other group engages in distance learning curriculum at home. Then there will be a wellness day, where students engage in social and emotional learning curriculum, live advisory meets, and independent practices while the school facility goes through a deep clean. Then the two groups will flip, as the first group engages in distance learning curriculum that follows up on the instruction they received in person, while the other group comes into the building for two consecutive days of their block schedule. Another deep clean then occurs, and this cycle then repeats. Every effort will be made to enable families with multiple students attending Portland Public Schools to have their children attend in-person on the same day.

Plan C: Distance Learning

A synchronous schedule of distance learning will be facilitated for students to follow at dedicated times. This will include live instruction, independent practice, and office hours. Social and emotional support staff will utilize a guidance website to facilitate distance support of social and emotional needs, including live meets and virtual check-ins.