AP Spanish Literature and Culture

Welcome to Señorita MacIntyre's AP Spanish lit class!

Extra Help...

~ Offered Wednesdays and Thursdays after school!

(or during a free period of mine and the student if arranged beforehand)

Extra guidance and learning tools will always be offered in order to ensure student success!

My expectations...

~ I have high expectations for these high-leveled students!

~ I expect obedience of the rules I have in place (No phones unless prompted! No talking while I'm teaching! Attempt to speak in Spanish! Don't be tardy! Hand in assignments in a timely fashion!, etc.)

~ Overall, if there is mutual respect in the classroom, I don't see us running into too many problems :)

Grading policy...

~ Tests/Projects: 30%

~ Quizzes: 35%

~ Homework: 20%

~ Participation: 15%

Attached is the class syllabus which will provide a more detailed description of the course!

¡Gracias por visitar!
