Pre-approval of writing submissions, choice texts, and presentation topics is required to ensure that you are submitting a relevant,

authentic, & crafted product - rather than a last-minute poem about a puppy eating cake...

LIST of Extra Credit Options

IN-CLASS Extra Credit Opportunities

Independent Reading Log (IRL):

Fiction Texts

Independent Reading Log (IRL):

Non-Fiction Texts


I am thrilled to offer and encourage you to complete as much extra credit as you like. It is a very cool opportunity to explore your passions and discover new interests, while simultaneously enriching your English education. Win/win.

But please remember: Extra Credit should be seen as exactly that - extra.

These educational opportunities afford you a dynamic challenge in addition to our regular course work. Over the years, students with wide-ranging talents have sought out creative and interesting ways to further their study; the Extra Credit opportunities presented encourage this and more.

Thoughtfully completing these assignments has the potential to boost your grade and afford you some more control of your overall average, but, more importantly, it affords you the opportunity to explore some independent study in areas (and of topics) that pique your interests.

There is a caveat: haphazardly completing these assignments (or submitting something that isn't correct or complete) will negatively impact your average. In other words, whatever "grade" you earn on the Extra Credit will be tallied into your average - whether that boosts or busts your final grade. As such, complete the work thoughtfully.

Also, for Quarter 3 & 4, extra credit will only count as minor assessment extra credit; there will no longer be any major assessment extra credit.

Finally, these Extra Credit opportunities should not be completed in lieu of regular coursework; the math on that will simply not work out.