
What's the best way for you to test your ideas about how the world works?

What do you notice? 

What do you wonder?

Some of the things I have wondered about over the years:

*Why do you have to cover the small hole at the top of a bathroom sink when trying to plunge the drain? 

*Why does lightning arrive before thunder?

*Why is it hotter on the second floor of a house or when you move to a higher level in a building?

*Why was a rock jetty built on the eastern end of East Beach in Port Jeff?

Areas of study in 6th grade science:

Forces and Motion

The driving questions for our Gravity and Kinetic Energy study are:

How does gravity cause objects to move?

What happens to an object's energy when it moves faster?

What happens when moving objects collide?

How can humans protect themselves in collisions?

Chemical Interactions

The driving question for our Chemical Interactions study is how does matter interact? We will learn about substances, elements and particles. We will also explore phase change and energy transfer.