RTI Math

Image of a birthday cake with a piece missing. Two other pieces are labeled with the fractions one fourth and one half.

RTI Math

RTI Math is an extra math class to help build foundational skills and support students with what they are learning in their regular math class.

Students are identified for this support using a variety of measures:

  • NYS exam scores

  • STAR Renaissance Math Test scores

  • Class grades

  • Teacher input

This is an UNGRADED class.

  • All students will receive a "P" on their report card.

  • Please read the comments to get a sense of how your child is doing.

  • You will also receive progress reports based on the STAR Renaissance Math Test.

This year we will focus on:

  • Building fluency with operations

(especially multiplication and division)

  • Understanding and working with fractions

  • Understanding and working with decimals

  • Problem Solving

  • Reviewing/Reteaching foundational grade-level topics as needed

We will use a variety of sites: