Writer in the SPOTLIGHT

Need inspiration? Want to know what others are writing about in school? Here I will spotlight a student author once in a while just to share with each other our talents and success! Read and enjoy :)

I Love…

By Yamari Jett

I love the hypnotizing, beautiful deep brown eyes

I love the bright, white smile that rise

I love the chocolate, cute, round ,button nose

The plump lips that blooms like a rose

The Ears that flush out the ignorant to hear the wise

A black fist to the sky that is characterize

A walk that speaks to you with such grace

Words that seeps out that hugs you with an embrace

Dark skin that is covered with melanin that glows

Big hair that bounce with deep curls that flows

I love the heart that can't be defined

I love the brave soul that is designed

Inside a worrier but outside a nubian queen who is divine

Has an addicting energy, she is known as sunshine