Business Achievement Awards (BAAs)

You should receive an email from FBLA National that gives you a login & password for the Learning Community.

Ask Greta, Ms. Imhoff or Ms. Palchik for help.

The Business Achievement Awards (BAA) are an aggressive, self-directed, results-based business and leadership program designed to complement academics while accelerating a student's leadership skills. The awards focus on the words surrounding the FBLA Crest: Service, Education, and Progress. There is a heavy emphasis on education with integrated classroom projects.

The individual recognition is a four-tier program aligned with the FBLA Goals, NBEA Standards, and Career Clusters. The levels can be completed in any order: Contributor (level one), Leader (level two), Advocate (level three), and Capstone (level four).

The individual program has a March 1 deadline for the first three levels and an April 25 deadline for the fourth level.

Ribbons are handed out at Nationals for each level you complete!