Python 1 & 2

Teacher: Ronda Kopfhamer


CMU CS Academy Site

Python Programming 1 and 2 study the python language. We will be using the Carnegie Mellon University's Computer Science Academy curriculum to study Computer Science.  These courses introduce students to basic programming using the Python language. Carnegie Mellon developed a graphics package, CMU Graphics, designed to introduce students to programming in a fun, interactive way. It also builds problem-solving skills and thinking methods used by programmers.

Units in Python Programming 1

Unit 1: Creating Drawings

Unit 2: Functions, Mouse Events, and Properties

Unit 3: Mouse Motion Events, Conditionals, and Helper Functions

Unit 4: More Conditionals, Key Events, and Methods

Unit 5: Complex Conditionals and More Key Events

Unit 6: Groups, Step Events, and Motion

Units in Python Programming 2 

Unit 7: New Shapes, Local Variables and For Loops

Unit 8:  Math Functions, Random Values, and Nested Loops

Unit 9: Types, Strings, and While Loops

Unit 10: Lists and Return Values

Unit 11: 2D Lists and Board Games

Unit 12: Final Project