About the Programme

21st June - 6th August 2021

Stage 1: Learn

21st June - 9th July

16 hours of learning spread across three weeks (includes 8 hours of independent and 8 hours of interactive in-class study)

Stage 2: Practice

12th July - 30th July

8 hours per week (for 3 weeks) of Experiential Learning to find solutions to the business problem our Partner Organisation in Portsmouth is facing.

Stage 3: Celebrate

2nd August - 6th of August

Your final 1-hour long individual session with a Personal Coach, Certificate Awards, and the final Celebratory Event (possibly in person!)

Programme Format

It is an ONLINE Programme, where we will give you access to our virtual learning space, hold live online sessions, supervisory meetings, and Business Partner meetings via Zoom. There is a possibility that our Final Celebratory Event w/c 6th of August will be held in person.

Programme Outline

Stage 1: Learn

During this intensive Online Short Course, we will cover the following areas:

  • Entrepreneurship Foundations (including among others creativity, innovation, problem-solving, opportunities recognition and business model design);

  • Entrepreneurship skills (including among others strategic planning and thinking, marketing, finance, operational set-up, and sustainability);

  • Personal reflection on, and evaluation of, your personality, values and skills in relation to your self-employed career path, and entrepreneurial aspirations;

  • The development of personal brand (through facilitated reflection, pitching, and building your LinkedIn profile).

You are expected to devote 8 hours in 3 weeks to the independent online learning, and 8 hours in 3 weeks to attendance and engagement with live online group sessions.

Stage 2: Practice

After (and conditional on) the completion of the Online Short Course, participants will be allocated with a task to work on the solutions to the challenge, that the Business Partner has been facing.

This will include a 1-hour long briefing meeting with the Business Partner, to understand the organisation context, and align the proposed solutions with the Partner’s needs, capabilities, and resources, as well as weekly 1-hour long supervisory meetings with an academic staff member, who will support you throughout the process.

You are expected to devote 8 hours per week (for 3 weeks) to the work on the allocated task to produce a 5-page actionable Plan with the solutions by the 30th of July. This is in addition to five 1-hour long meetings with the supervisor (5 hours in total), and an introductory 1-hour long meeting with the Partner organisation.

Stage 3: Celebration

On the full completion of Stages 1 and 2, we will be inviting you to celebrate your success:

  • Individual one-to-one 1-hour coaching session on career development and confidence building, reflecting on your Personal Evaluation Report;

  • Final social event (potentially on the premises of the Partner Organisation if permitted), where Project Completion Certificates will be granted to Participants.

Other Commitments

There are a couple of (hopefully not burdening) things that we would like to ask you in return:

  • We will invite you to compete two questionnaires before the start of the Programme, and on its completion. Those will relate to your evaluation of skills, confidence, and motivation in relation to starting your own business, and general feelings about your level of readiness to get your new adventure going. Each of them will take no longer than 10 minutes to complete, and will be anonymised.

  • We will also invite you to have a 1-hour long conversation with us upon completion of the Programme so that you could share your feedback, experiences, and thoughts.

Expected Time Commitment between 21st of June and 6th of August:

  • Stage 1: 16 hours

  • Stage 2: 30 hours

  • Stage 3: 3 hours

  • Other commitments: 1.3 hours

Total Time: 50.3 hours

Programme Team

Dr Ekaterina Murzacheva

Ekaterina is a Senior Lecturer in Entrepreneurship in Strategy, Enterprise and Innovation subject Group, Portsmouth Business School. She has been working in Higher Education in the UK for more than 10 years, helping students start and develop their entrepreneurial projects, and build up their entrepreneurial skills. She has supported over 40 small businesses throughout these years to help them articulate their strategy, design business model and achieve growth. Ekaterina has also been part of several projects, commissioned by local councils, UK government, and non-commercial organisations that aim enrich entrepreneurial eco-system in the UK.

Dina Annzee

Dina is a PhD student in the department of Strategy, Enterprise & Innovation at the University of Portsmouth, her research is focused on the development of Entrepreneurial Identity. Having completed a Masters degree in Innovation Management & Entrepreneurship Dina has worked at multiple start ups, her role focusing mainly on Corporate Strategy, she is currently a shareholder at a global tech company that specialises in Global Mobility & Relocation.

Charlotte Harrison

Charlotte is a Principal Lecturer in Law and the Employability & Enterprise Lead for the University of Portsmouth's Faculty of Business & Law. Charlotte has spent over ten years working with students to develop their career management skills, career confidence, and personal brand. These areas have also been the focus of her research and publications. She has considerable course design experience and has recently developed a range of blended career management programmes for learners at various stages of their career planning.

Aron Truss

Aron Truss is the Blended and Online Development Lead at the University of Portsmouth’s Faculty of Business and Law. His role involves supporting faculty staff with learning design and developing the use of blended/online approaches in their teaching, as well as scoping opportunities for growth in blended/online modes of delivery. Aron has worked with Charlotte, Ekaterina and Dina to support the digital development of the course materials.