Festival of Doctoral Research

Welcome to the Festival of Doctoral Research 2023 Competitions page. From here, you can view all the entries from our Postgraduate Researchers (PGRs) for the 2023 Research Competitions.

This year's keynote speaker, Mark Reed, is Professor of Rural Entrepreneurship and Director of the Thriving Natural Capital Challenge Centre at Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC), and a Visiting Professor at Newcastle University, Birmingham City University and the University of Leeds. He has over 200 publications that have been cited more than 20,000 times and has won awards for the non-academic impact of his research. He is author of The Research Impact Handbook, The Productive Researcher and Impact Culture and CEO of Fast Track Impact. He provides training and advice to Universities, research funders, NGOs and policy-makers internationally.

Our Postgraduate Researchers showcase their baking skills with a representation of their research as a homemade bake!

Our PGRs offer a visual perspective on their research with a single image that informs, engages and intrigues.

You're in a lift. You need to impress the visiting Professor. You have one minute before the lift doors open again!

Our Research Students have just 5 minutes and 5 slides to communicate their research to our Festival delegates.

Read the abstracts for the Research Presentations that our Postgraduate Researchers will be giving during the Festival.


