Profiling assessment services

Over the last few years the Autism Centre for Research on Employment (ACRE) has developed a suit of Profiling Assessment© services.

Thanks to funding from the University of Portsmouth, these services are now provided free of charge

Due to circumstances outside of our control, it is with regret that announce the temporarily clossure of our profiling assessment services.

We will endeavour to resume the services as soon as possible.

Apologies for the inconvenience

Why is employment profiling important?

Each autistic person is different and have a unique profile of strengths and support needs. Therefore, it is important to identify which jobs match their unique profile and also to design individually-tailored work support plans. The Profiling Assessment© tools, and the accompanying report, were designed to:

  • Identify suitable employment options (Employability Profile) :The report contains information about career preferences and the person’s confidence on a range of employability skills. This information may be used to match the person to potential jobs or work / volunteering placements as well as to identify potential training needs.

  • Enhance the design of effective plans to support the client in the work place and support potential employers in the process of making reasonable adjustments (Cognitive Profile): Information about what the person reported as strengths and also challenges may be used to identify suitable job roles and to develop a tailored support plan for the person, which includes tailored recommendations of adjustments in the workplace.

Person-centred and evidence-based assessment

The Profiling Assessment© tools are based on an innovative interactive online platform that enables the administration of tailored assessment. Unlike other assessment tools, the set of questions a person receives is not pre-determined in advance, but determined by the person’s responses to previous questions.

As a research centre, all our services are underpinned by research, conducted by experts. However, our work would not be possible without the collaboration of government bodies (e.g., Dept of Health, Dept of Work and Pensions, local authorities), the third sector and local communities who help us translating research into practice . A report detailing the results of an evaluation of the profiling assessment tools can be downloaded here. The tools have been evolving organically as a function of the feedback received by users since 2015.

Which assessment is best for you or the person you support?

ACRE offers different profiling services so you need to decide which one is most suitable for your needs, or the needs of the person you support. Please find below information about each Profiling Assessment© service to help you make that decision.


Employability Profile

Which areas does this profile assess?

Career preferences, employability skills work values and task preferences.

What is the aim of this assessment?

To help you , or the person you support, in the process of finding a suitable career or job.

Who would benefit from this profile?

Autistic poeple looking for work and anyone helping them.

Cognitive Profile

Which areas does this profile assess?

Social and Communication skills, Flexibility and Planning and Sensory Sensitivities.

What is the aim of this assessment?

Identify strengths and challenges to facilitate the design of tailored adaptations in the work place.

Who would benefit from this profile?

Employers, line managers, colleagues and support staff.

Full Employment Profile

Which areas does this profile assess?

This profile includes both an Employability Profile and a Cognitive Profile.

What is the aim of this assessment?

To help identifying suitable career/job and potential adjustments in the workplace.

Who would benefit from this profile?

Particularly suited for those taking part in job programmes.

Contact information

If you have any questions or need more information please contact us by email at


The following people contributed to the development of the Profiling Assessment© tools: Dr Beatriz Lopez (Reader in Psychology), Tomáš Rubín (ACRE Co-ordinator), Dr Niko Kargas (Senior Lecturer, University of Lincoln), John Barber (Research Assistant), Dr Julie Udell (Principal Lecturer) and Dr Liz Keenan (Clinical Psychologist).

The tools were developed with funding from the Department of Health: Autism Innovation Fund, Research Autism, Solent Jobs Programme and the University of Portsmouth.