What support is available at university?

Most universities offer a wide range of support for students on the Autism Spectrum.

This article summarises what is the most common support available and how to access it.


Getting used to life as a University student can be a challenge for anyone, and it may be even more challenging because of your autism. It is important before you make any decisions to know that there is support, information and resources available if you need them. Talking to the Disability service of your chosen university about the support they offer, asking them any questions or concerns you may have, and visiting the campus, might help you make a decision whether you want to study with them, and ensure you have the best possible university experience if you do.

Below is a summary of the services available at the University of Portsmouth.

Disability and Well-being Services

Most Disability services offer advice and guidance on any disability related matters within their University. Additional academic support is available to disabled students where they experience difficulties that impact on their ability to access the campus, curriculum, teaching, learning, assessment or any other university service.

Academic support is assessed on an individual basis to ensure it is appropriate and enables the student to meet the required learning outcomes. Some examples of academic support other students have found useful are:

  • Exam adjustments (e.g. extra time)
  • Assistive technology (e.g. Recording software)
  • Specialist 1:1 support (e.g. Mentor)

Universities also tend to provide well-being and mental health advice and counselling in the following ways:

  • Individual face-to-face consultations
  • Daily, short, advice sessions
  • Online counselling
  • Well-being courses and workshops
  • Online self-help and resources

Autism Centre for Research on Employment (ACRE)

ACRE, located at the Department of Psychology at the University of Portsmouth, offers individual cognitive profile assessments for students on the Autism Spectrum, free of charge. These profiles contain information about your strengths but also the challenges you may face while at university. The report includes a series of recommendations, tailored to you, about how to ensure any challenges do not impact on your studies.

Why is this relevant?

Ensuring the university offers the right support for you is an important factor contributing to a positive experience and your academic performance. Some students report that they underestimated the impact that the transition to university would have on their studies and mental health. Some also report that they wished they had sought support early on. While it is normal to feel anxious when starting something new, like a university course, and at difficult times of the year like exam periods sometimes these difficulties can have a significant impact in your wellbeing and your studies.

What to do next?

Contact the Disability Service at your chosen university to find out more

Practical tips

Before you start university, or during your study, it is important that you reflect on any support needs you may have (see below) and that you find out how to access the support you need.

Questions to think about

  • What type of support works best for me, for instance, face to face individual meetings, online support, connecting with other students who have had similar experiences?
  • Does the university offer support for my needs? If not, can they offer advice on how I may be able to access that support?
  • What are the things that have helped me in the past to stay well? Are they likely to work at university or may I need to learn new coping strategies?
  • Do I need support for any of the following? Stress and anxiety, coping with study pressures, planning and organising my time, sensory sensitivities.

Additional information and links.

To request a Student Individual Profiling Assessment© please complete this form.

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