Miss Cara Grebner

Homeroom 8-2


Important Dates 2023-2024

May 15 - Field Day

May 20-22  8th Grade Final Exams

May 23 - Early Dismissal (11:30)

May 24-27 - No School Memorial Day Weekend

June 4 - 8th Grade Graduation (6:30)

Attendance Information 

Please use the following QR Code to inform us of your child's absence from school by 8:00 am. A form will need to be filled out stating the reason for absence.  Your submission of the form in a timely manner helps us to ensure the safety of our students.  As a reminder, except for illness absences longer than three days, which still require a doctor's note for return, the submission of the form serves as an excuse note.  Thank you in advance!