First of all, this course is not from my faculty of mechanical engineering and somehow am used to modules which are directly linked to my faculty. So, I had to take this course as a requirement of the school. No lies but initially I wasn't so much motivated since it's not my core module but then I gave it a chance. Amazingly this course has turned out to be one of the courses very enjoyable and beneficial to my career not just as an engineer but also as leader in various aspects of life i.e., socio, economic and sustainability. The topics covered in this subject are crucial to intellectual being of any person. If you can't be a leader then certainly at some point you have to be a follower, and this subject have covered all the perspectives of the dynamics of leadership process. Apart from the masterly of the topics coverage, the absolute expertise, experience and exceptional presentation by the lecturer Dr. Jamillah fashioned this subject to be an interactive as both lecturer-centered and student-centered orientations were exercised. students were able present in groups consequently encouraging not only active participation but also teamworking culture among the students. Another element that is excellent and crucial to the learning process is the assessment methods used. No final examinations, yes! but that didn't make this subject any simpler or a 'silver platter 3 credits module'. In my opinion and experience throughout the entire learning process I think most student just memorize notes when assessment is in form of examinations. However, the activities, assignments (weekly reflection reports) are more efficient than the exam as i had to display active participation during the classes in order to complete my weekly reflection report.

From a 'leader' point of view I have learnt quite many aspects. I thought I knew enough types and models of leaders and leadership skills until my journey through this course proves me otherwise. I have learned that the variation in terms of leaders and leadership styles ranges from the basic to the most complex leadership styles. I don't think I am natural leader with inborn leadership skills, traits and behaviors. However, I have learnt in this course that we can all at some point be leaders and though we might not pose the natural talents of leadership attributes, but we can learn to be good leaders at small scale, medium scale or even at large scale i.e., big organizations or at national level. Some of the leadership styles and theories that I learnt in during this course include Contingency leadership theories, types of powers, skills that are required for a leader (leadership traits, behavior and ethics, how to develop to become an effective leader, sustainability leadership models, impacts of communication for effective leadership, how to build, develop and practice authentic, charismatic, authentic, transformational, transactional leadership styles etc. At some point in life i have had the learning experience of some of these aspects no doubt but the level and the depth of emphasis in this class was impeccable with sharp clarification on practical perspective applications.

In this course I have also managed to acquire the knowledge of leadership from a follower perspective. it has been explicitly highlighted how followers play important roles in the success of a leadership. For any type of leadership style, the followers are one of the crucial variables that determines the effectiveness of a leadership style. As such, as a leader it is imperative to know the type of followers you are dealing with in different situations and also followers should have self-awareness of the type of followers they are i.e., introvert or extrovert etc. and be ready to execute their roles as followers for good and effective leader-follower communication and interaction for effective leadership. Last but not the least, this module I also learnt some of the general morals and ethical codes of conduct from the lecturer and through shared experiences during the lectures. Am looking forward to applying and share the knowledge, experience and skills acquired form this class.