
Staff Link Alert: Are you noticing that a 9th grader is having a hard time? Are you noticing their grades are slipping? Are they tardy more often than usual? Maybe they are struggling to fit in and need someone to reach out with them? Submit a Link Alert! Our Link Crew Leaders are here to help support the 9th graders with different issues that may come up at school. Send us a message through the link above and we can get the information to the correct Link Crew Leader!

Staff Link Applause: Have you noticed a student going above and beyond in the classroom? Have they worked to turn in missing work or maybe have worked to get to class on time? The Link Applause is used for any 9th grade students that deserve to be acknowledged for their hard work! When you submit a Link Applause a Link Leader will meet with the student to let them know that their positive behaviors are being noticed.