8th Grade Science

Starting April 13th, all science distant learning curriculum can be found in Google Classroom.

Be sure to scroll down to see the second week of enrichment activities: March 30th-April 3rd

Hello 8th Grade Students. Hope you are all in good health. The three articles are a review of our Sound and Wave Units. Read the writing prompt and answer the prompt after you have read the article. You may type or write your answer for each article.

Article 1: Sound Explained

By Gale, Cengage Learning


https://newsela.com/read/lib-sound/id/2000001603/?collection_id=339 (You do not need to go to this source, it's already cut and pasted below.)

Writing Prompt:

Describe what you think the author’s purpose was for writing this text and whether they were successful in this purpose. Support your response with specific details from the text.

You hear sound when vibrations enter your ears and send signals through your nerves to your brain. These vibrations are caused by disturbances in the air. For example, when you hit a drum, the top of it vibrates, causing a disturbance in the molecules in the air. This vibration, or sound wave, travels through the air in all directions, eventually reaching your ears.

If you could see sound waves, they would look much like the waves you see when you drop a stone onto a calm water surface.

How Do We Hear?

Sound waves travel through air at about 1,088 feet (332 meters) per second. When the sound waves or vibrations reach your ears, they push on your eardrums and cause them to vibrate. Each eardrum pushes against a series of three tiny bones in your middle ear. These tiny bones push against another membrane, which causes waves in a fluid inside your inner ear. Here, special cells pick up the differences in pressure from the waves and transform them into electrical signals that travel along nerves to your brain. When these signals reach the brain, you hear the sound and usually recognize its source.

How Is Sound Measured?

Sound waves are usually described with two measurements: frequency and amplitude. Frequency means the number of waves passing a given point in a given period of time. This is usually measured in hertz, abbreviated Hz. One Hz equals 1 cycle per second. Humans can usually hear sounds with frequencies from 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz. The faster a wave vibrates, the higher its frequency and the higher a sound it produces. The highness or lowness of a sound is its pitch. A high-frequency sound has a high pitch.

The amplitude of the sound is its power or loudness. The taller the sound wave, the higher its amplitude and the louder the sound it produces. We usually measure amplitude in decibels. For example, leaves rustling in the wind might produce a sound of about 20 decibels, while a jet taking off creates a sound of at least 140 decibels, loud enough to damage your hearing. Listening to very loud sounds for a long time, including loud music, will damage the tiny nerves in your ears and can lead to permanent hearing loss. Many rock musicians have discovered that they already have hearing problems.

How Long Have People Wondered About Sound?

People have been experimenting with sound for a long time. Pythagoras (572–497 B.C.E.) experimented with strings to determine how sounds changed with changes in the lengths of the strings. Historians credit him with the development of the musical scale.

In about 1700, French physicist Joseph Sauveur first used the word acoustics to describe music and the way sound works. He worked on the mathematics of sound and studied how strings made different sounds depending on their length. Hermann von Helmholtz (1821–1894) discovered much about sound in the 1800s, especially the connections between mathematics and music. He also built one of the first sirens.

Article 2: Wave Properties

By Newsela staff


https://newsela.com/read/lib-multimedia-gfx-wave-diagrams/id/2001004762/?collection_id=341 (You do not need to go to this source, it's already cut and pasted below.)

Writing Prompt:

Write a short paragraph that explains the central idea of the article. Use at least two details from the article to support your response

Waves are how things like light or sound travel. Every wave has properties or different parts. The crest of a wave is the highest part, while the trough is the lowest part. The amplitude is the height from the center of the wave to the crest or the trough. A wavelength is the distance between two crests or two troughs that keeps repeating. Wavelengths are measured in meters.

A diagram of a wave with its parts labeled. The crest and trough are the highest and lowest points. The amplitude is the distance from the baseline (red) to the crest or trough. The wavelength is the distance a wave takes to complete one cycle. Graphic: Newsela staff

Frequency measures how many wavelengths pass a point in one second. Long wavelengths have low frequencies because fewer wavelengths can pass a point in one second. Shorter wavelengths have higher frequencies because more wavelengths can pass a point in one second.

A wave's wavelength is indirectly proportional to its frequency. Longer wavelengths will have a lower frequency while shorter wavelengths will have a higher frequency. Graphic: Newsela staff

A wave's amplitude gives us information about intensity. For example, a light wave with shorter amplitudes would be dim. A light with higher amplitudes would be very bright.

A wave's amplitude affects its intensity. Waves with larger amplitudes will be more intense than those with smaller amplitudes. Graphic: Newsela staff

In additional to intensity and frequency, waves also have speed. This is how much distance a wave travels during a certain amount of time. An easy way to calculate a wave's speed is to multiple the wavelength by the frequency.

Article 3: The Three Things You Need to Make Sound

By Rachel J. Dickinson, Christian Science Monitor, adapted by Newsela staff


https://newsela.com/read/lib-overview-making-sound/id/55099/?collection_id=339 (You do not need to go to this source, it's already cut and pasted below.)

Writing Prompt: Write a short paragraph that explains the central idea of the article. Use at least two details from the article to support your response.

When a tree falls in the forest and no one's there to hear it, does it make a sound? Science teachers and philosophy professors have asked this question of students for years, and when you know more about sound, you can try to answer this question for yourself.

Sound is the result of three things. First, something must vibrate. Your vocal cords vibrate, for example, and so does a drumhead when you hit it with a drumstick. A tree hitting the ground also causes a lot of vibrations.

Second, you need something through which the vibrations (sound waves) can travel. Vibrations travel easily through many substances, like air, for instance, but they travel even better through water and such dense, rigid things as iron.

Third, these traveling vibrations must be received somehow — your ears, for example, detect the vibrations, and once the vibrations are detected, they are called "sounds."

Try this: Get a metal fork, and hold it in your hand. With the other hand, gently squeeze two tines together a little and then let the tines spring back. What happens? The tines wiggle back and forth, or vibrate. The vibrations travel through the air to your ear, and you detect the vibrations as a high-pitched sound. Try it again, but this time, hold the fork upright, with the end resting on a table. Does it sound louder? The vibrations are traveling through the air and the table, now. Try holding the fork on different surfaces, like wood, metal, rubber — which substance makes it sound loudest? That's the substance through which the vibrations travel the best.

When is sound noise, and when is it music? Noise is a mixture of random sound, and music is controlled sound.

A musical instrument is simply a producer of controlled sound, and all instruments have something that vibrates: a string on a guitar, for instance, a drumhead, a reed in a clarinet or saxophone. In a trumpet, the player's lips vibrate to create the sound. Musicians control the vibration with frets, keys, slides and more.

You can make musical instruments, too — all you need is a source of vibration that you can control. A musical instrument can be as simple as a tin-can drum or as complex as a piano.

Now, about that tree falling in the forest — do you have an answer? The crashing tree creates lots of vibrations, which travel through the air and ground. But by definition, vibrations don't become sound until they are detected, so the tree creates vibrations, but you can't really call those vibrations "sound" unless they are heard.

Week 2 Enrichment Activities: March 30th -April 3rd

Hello 8th grade students and families. Hope you are keeping up with the social distancing and we can get through all this together. This week, you have two more articles to read which reflect on our Sound/Light and Wave Units. There is a writing prompt at the beginning of the article. You may type or write your answer. It should be at least one paragraph. You may share your work with Mrs. Dalbey (ldalbey@polson.k12.mt.us) or Mr. Rochin (mrochin@polson.k12.mt.us) or Mr. Servo (bservo@polson.k12.mt.us ). The last assignment is an outdoor scavenger hunt which reviews some earlier concepts we studied in the beginning of the year.

Article 1: Studying Doppler effect's waves benefit police, doctors, scientists

By The Conversation, adapted by Newsela staff


Writing Prompt: Write a short paragraph that explains the central idea of the article. Use at least two details from the article to support your response

A fire truck passes by. Its siren is blaring. Do you hear how the sound changes? As it comes closer, the siren's pitch gets higher. As it moves away, it gets lower. This change is an example of the Doppler effect.

The Doppler effect was first explained in 1842. The idea was developed by Christian Johann Doppler. He was a mathematician and physicist from Austria. Physicists study how energy and objects affect each other.

The Doppler effect helps us understand wave motion. Waves come in different forms. Waves on a lake are one example. Other kinds of waves are all around us. For example, sound and light also travel in waves. However, we cannot see them with our bare eyes.

Wavelength is one way we measure wave motion. Waves move up and down. The top parts are called peaks. The bottom of a wave is called a trough. The wavelength is the distance between the peaks.

Frequency is another term for measuring wave motion. Frequency is the number of peaks that pass a point in a period of time.

Circular Waves

Imagine a rock dropped in a calm pond. The waves spread out from where the rock hits the water. That point is the wave source. It sends out waves in all directions. These waves go out one after another in circles, or wavefronts.

If the wave source moves, though, then the wave pattern changes. The waves bunch up in front of the moving source. There, the frequency of waves is higher. They are farther apart, though, behind the moving source. There, the frequency is lower.

What happens as the wave source moves toward you? You will experience a higher frequency of waves. If it moves away? You will experience a lower frequency. The motion of the wave source affects the frequency you experience. The same is true if the wave source is in one place but you are moving. Any change in distance between you and the source will cause a Doppler effect.

Think of the passing fire truck again. The siren sends out a steady frequency of sound waves. If neither you or the siren move, the pitch will stay the same. However, if you or the siren moves, it changes. As the siren comes closer, you experience a higher frequency. Your ears experience it as a higher pitch. When the siren moves away, the frequency goes down. Then the pitch you hear gets lower.

Light waves are also subject to the Doppler effect. The frequency of light waves affects the colors we see. Higher light frequencies appear bluer. Lower light frequencies are more reddish.

Studying The Stars

Astronomers use the Doppler effect to study the universe. In fact, that is how Doppler first came up with the idea named for him. He was studying distant stars. He realized the color of starlight changed as the star moved.

If stars are traveling away from us, the frequency of the light decreases. Then their color moves toward the red end of the light spectrum. What if a star is traveling toward us? It has a higher frequency. The color moves toward the blue end of the light spectrum.

A siren produces waves of a constant frequency (shown on the above). However, as the siren approaches us, the observed frequency increases and we hear a higher pitch. At the instant that the siren passes by, the frequency is identical to its constant frequency. When the siren moves away from us, the frequency decreases and we hear a lower pitch. Image by: Spencer Sutton/Science Source

The Doppler effect has other interesting uses besides astronomy. Doppler radar can measure the speed of distant moving objects. It does this by sending out waves with a specific frequency. These waves bounce back. The radar then analyzes the returning waves for frequency changes.

Doppler radar is used to study cloud movement. It can also see weather patterns. Police use a kind of Doppler radar to check how fast cars are going. Doctors and hospitals also rely on the Doppler effect. It makes it possible to study blood flow inside the body.

The Doppler effect has helped us learn about the universe. It is a tool for studying weather. It makes it possible to look inside our own bodies. Scientists and inventors continue to find new uses for this scientific idea.

End of Article 1


Article 2: What is the visible light spectrum?



Writing Prompt: Choose a person, event, or idea from the text. Explain what the text reveals about your chosen topic.

The visible light spectrum is the segment of the electromagnetic spectrum that the human eye can view. More simply, this range of wavelengths is called visible light. Typically, the human eye can detect wavelengths from 380 to 700 nanometers.

Wavelengths Of Visible Light

All electromagnetic radiation is light, but we can only see a small portion of this radiation — the portion we call visible light. Cone-shaped cells in our eyes act as receivers tuned to the wavelengths in this narrow band of the spectrum. Other portions of the spectrum have wavelengths too large or too small and energetic for the biological limitations of our perception.

Image 2. Isaac Newton's experiment in 1665 showed that a prism bends visible light. Each color refracts at a slightly different angle. It depends on the wavelength of the color. Illustration by: Spencer Sutton/Science Source

As the full spectrum of visible light travels through a prism, the wavelengths separate into the colors of the rainbow because each color is a different wavelength. Violet has the shortest wavelength, at around 380 nanometers, and red has the longest wavelength, at around 700 nanometers.

Color And Temperature

As objects grow hotter, they radiate energy dominated by shorter wavelengths, changing color before our eyes. A flame on a blow torch shifts from reddish to bluish in color as it is adjusted to burn hotter. In the same way, the color of stars tells scientists about their temperature.

Our sun produces more yellow light than any other color because its surface temperature is 5,500 degrees Celsius. If the sun's surface were cooler — 3,000 degrees C — it would look reddish, like the star Betelgeuse. If the sun were hotter — 12,000 degrees C — it would look blue, like the star Rigel.

Isaac Newton's experiment in 1665 showed that a prism bends visible light and that each color refracts at a slightly different angle depending on the wavelength of the color.

Physical Science Scavenger Hunt

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Physical Science Scavenger