Interactive Media, Game, and Mobile Technologies 

Research Group


Group Members of the IMGM Research Group

Aulia Akhrian Syahidi, S.Pd., M.Kom.

Google Scholar Id:  ZCc61nUAAAAJ    ORCID Id:  0000-0001-6716-8922      Scopus Id:  57204180035   Research Id: rid11979


Akhrian is a researcher and lecturer in the Informatics Engineering Study Program and Smart City Information System Study Program, Department of Electrical Engineering, Politeknik Negeri Banjarmasin. He is also the Co-Head of Augmented and Virtual Reality Laboratory at the Politeknik Negeri Banjarmasin. He graduated from the Computer Science/Informatics Masters Program at the Faculty of Computer Science, Universitas Brawijaya in 2019 with a concentration in Media, Game, and Mobile Technologies. He has been a teacher in several vocational high schools from 2015-2019, lecturer assistants from 2014-2016, and research assistants from 2017-2019. He already has scientific publications and books. He was also awarded as the best paper on The 5th IEEE ICETAS 2018 at the Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand, and The 5th IEEE ICCED 2019 at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.  Akhrian was also included as an editorial team from the Journal of Poros Teknik and an active member of the Indonesian Association of Informatics Experts (IAII).

Research field: Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), Extended Reality (XR), Interactive Media Technology, Game Development, 2D & 3D Modeling, Mobile Applications, Human-Computer Interaction (Include: User Interface, User Experience, Usability Evaluation), Artificial Intelligence  in Education,  and Academic Information System Management

Member of Student Research for Augmented Reality

Ahmad Zairullah Redhani

Student Id: C030318035

Period: 2019(1), 2019(2)

Ahmad Rifani Jazuli

Student Id: C030319096 

Period:  2019(2)

Member of Student Research for Game Development

Ahmad Riyadi

Student Id: C030318002

Period: 2019(1), 2019(2)

Yehezkiel Mulia Hutahayan 

Student Id: C030318127

Period: 2019(1), 2019(2)

Maya Astuti

Student Id: C030319076

Period: 2019(2)

Member of Student Research for Human-Computer Interaction

Siti Zakiah

Student Id: C030318031

Period: 2019(1), 2019(2)

Member of Student Research for Interactive Media Technology

Member of Student Research for Mobile Applications

Member of Student Research for Virtual Reality

Member of Student Research for Extended Reality