Week 8Musical Theater

Musical theater encompasses music written for theatrical shows.  Musical theater is a distinctly Amercian form of theater that has influences in European opera.  Early Amercian theatrical shows were called "vaudeville".  These were entertaining shows that featured a variety of "acts", always including musical performances.  Vaudevillian music was popular music based on folk and jazz.  Over time, Americans began combining theatrical plays with vaudeville style music. This developed into a new form of "opera" that utilized popular songs and styles of singing, combined with acting and dance to tell the story.  Songs written for musical theater are varied in style and incorporate all genres of music.  Composers work closely with lyricists to write music that captures the intellectual and emotional journey of the play's story and characters. Today, we have movie musicals.  Whether animated or live action, the songs incorporated in the movie have the same function as if it were theater. 

Can you act a story out to a song?

Does music need lyrics to tell a story?  

What did you learn about musical theater that you didn't know before?