Remote Provision

In addition to our in-school offer, we have a remote offer that provides a full range of resources aimed at supporting students with the following:

1. Providing further transition materials for all A Level and BTEC subjects, with our online transition booklets that students can work through at home

2. Encouraging our most able students to read widely around the subject, with a range of ‘topic mats’ that encourage additional watching, reading and listening across a range of subject disciplines

3. For those who want to continue to develop their functional English and Maths skills, we will have online resources aimed at supporting that. Students can access these from home and dip in and out of materials relevant to them

4. A range of online PSHCE resources that students can access if they choose.

All the above resources will be available through our year grup Google Classroom. For the three weeks after half term, the Year 11 team plan to be in regular contact with all our young people on Year 11, either face-to-face in school or through telephone conversations or remote meetings. The purpose of these conversations will be to carry out well-being checks, ensure that students are well, encouraging attendance to taster sessions if they are planning to pursue further education and also sign-posting any enrichment activities that we think students might enjoy.

All of the above resources will be posted in the Year 11 transition Google Classroom, accessible by all Year 11 students.