Info for Parents/ FAQ

Parent Information Night #1 Slideshow

CBF Parent Meeting #1.mp4

Frequently Asked Questions

About the Business Plans

Does each student needs to submit a Business Plans if working in group/partners?

Yes! We are collecting information unique to each student, so every student needs to submit a Business Plan. 

Where do we get a copy of the Business Plan?

You can access the draft version of the Plan by clicking on the tab above titled "Business Plan"

You will submit your final Plan via a Google Form on October 6th. 

About the Products

Are there limitations on what my child can sell?

Whatever your child sells, it needs to be something that they created themselves or customized to make it unique. You cannot re-sell existing items without personalization/ customization. 

How many products should they make?

This will be discussed in the Advisor meetings. It is at you/your child's discretion how many items you create. 

What is the price range of for products?

Prices range from $1-$2, all the way up to $20+ depending on what is being made. 

While it is your decision what you charge, we ask that students use whole dollar amounts to make transactions easier for everyone. 

Night of the Event

Can students accept Venmo as a payment method?

Yes! If you are comfortable setting up a Venmo account for you child's business, you may use Venmo as a payment option.