Issue 3

In this issue

Hectic Hurricane Hits Home - Jack Hedger

Scream Park Sneak Peak - Ivette Marin & Maggie Bradway

A Hail of questions with weatherman Jack Garner

Friendships Last Forever - Alexa Orozco & Hope Carter

Improv Club - Nicole Keller

5k Against Domestic Violence: An Interview with Loren Mattern - Gabbi Wright

New administrator: MRS. Jill Vandriessche - Meghan Caine

Sports Roundup

Issue 003

Hectic Hurricane Hits Home

Jack Hedger

The hurricanes have affected Plymouth High School students by displacing their families in the south. Students have stated that they have been to affected areas in the past, and/or are planning to visit whether it be for family vacations, or to visit loved ones.

“I stayed with my family this past summer. I was there on vacation, and it was sunny and nice.” said freshman Michael Berg.

The landscape from five months ago is now unrecognizable. From leaves blown off trees, boats strung across docks, and former construction sites blown across the place.

The people of Plymouth have and can help the affected people by making donations to the local Red Cross, The Salvation Army, and many more businesses and nonprofits that are involved in the donation process.

One way the students and faculty have helped is by donating.

Junior, Jeffrey Chamberlin has made donations. When asked why, he said, ”Because we want to help out anyone in need no matter how far away, especially in this time of division in America.

“I am making a $100 donation, although I am not sure to what organization yet. I may use the connections I have with the area and find a shelter or something similar to donate the money to,” said junior, Jack Garner.

Scream Park Sneak peak

Maggie Bradway and Ivy Marin

At the Niles Haunted House’s Media Night, Plymouth High School students; freshmen Ivy Marin, Maggie Bradway, Caitlin Davidson, Jeik Barron, and sophomore Audrey Seay got a sneak peek of this year’s frightening attractions. The theme for this year is “Possessed and Incarcerated.” The park thrills its fans with two new attractions, one called “Hooded” and others that are Escape Rooms. In Order to participate in “Hooded” you must be at least 18 years old and must sign a waiver to enter the attraction.Niles Scream Park is a non-profit community project. All the workers are volunteers who volunteer to help any organization they are participating in. The money goes to over 100 different groups.

Niles Scream Park has surveys and they ask people what they want or what they should add to the park for the next year. They have professional artists and builders to design and build the big house every year. They work non-stop to design the attractions and to get them ready for the next year. Niles Scream Park workers love hearing feedback from everyone. They see over 7,000 people every night, and they even stay open until 2:00 a.m. just to make sure everyone gets to go through. They do not allow lighters or weapons into Niles Scream Park.

Plan to leave your phone in the car, because if you have a phone and you bring it in, they do not want to see it come out or they will escort you out of the attraction. If you can not handle the attraction, they will take you out of the attraction through the doors closest to you. There are many secret doors throughout the attractions and you will get assistance if needed.

In order to volunteer you must be 16 years old and must have a parent working on the premises. The money your group gets depends on how long you work at the park. The scream factor of the park this year should be a 10 out of 10 for everyone because there is something there to scare everyone. They will ask what your fear is, and will take you through a certain path according to your answer. Watch out for the steamers, and happy hauntings this year!

A hail of questions with jack garner

Jack Hedger

Why do you think all the hurricanes are happening?

Hurricanes feed off of three main ingredients. These would be wind speed/direction, humidity, and warm ocean temperatures. Usually at this point in the year which is peak hurricane season, these ingredients are somewhat favorable to produce hurricanes. However, all three pieces fell into place this season, as temperatures in the mid-Atlantic and Caribbean have been well above 80Âş in many locations, which just keeps fueling the fire.

Do you have any predictions after Hurricane Maria?

Although there are no true storms behind Maria at the time this has been written, there will likely be a few more as we head into October. By then, the season should dwindle down as the humidity and ocean temperatures decrease dramatically. Irma and Maria have both been storms of incredible proportions, and it is unlikely we will see another one that large this year.

Friendships lAST FOREVER

Hope Carter and Alexa Orozco

On October 28th, the Pride of Plymouth marching band attended Semi-State at Pike High School. They qualified for Semi-State two weeks prior at Regionals, which took place at Lafayette Jefferson High School. While there, the band received a gold, and placed 6th out of 14 bands.

Only ten bands advance from Regionals to Semi-State. Semi-State has the top 20 bands in Class B, and only ten will advance from there to State Finals.

Preparing for Semi-State proved to be challenging. After fall break, the Marching Band had practice Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 5 p.m.-8 p.m. For the entire duration of Monday night’s practice it rained, so the band stayed inside to practice their music, and the color guard went into the gym to practice their flag work.


Paige Masterson '19

"Being in marching band is like home away from home. You know that your "family" is always going to be there whenever you need them and they're always going to back you up.”

Austin King '21

“I always practiced hard and showed that I like the sport. I really have no idea how I have improved has as a person but I have, a lot. I have started to speak out more in class instead of being the one in the back saying nothing."

Callie Burch '18

"Just a big thanks to my band family and the staff, such as Mr. Ames and Miss Wallyn. Thanks for believing in me and being there through the hard times.”

Samantha Payne, '18

"I'll be sad to close the chapter on my marching band years seeing as it has shaped who I've become and is how I became such close friends with my best friends."

Mickaela Bush '19

"We have worked so hard and put so much effort into the season. Everyone has improved, whether it was something small or something huge, everyone has made something better about themselves. I believe in us; we can do it."

Introducing Improv

Nicole Keller

Senior Claire Peters describes her experience of Improv club using one word, “Spontaneous”. In a stress free, creative, and limitless environment in the Math Annex located in WSOI improv members are able to act and have fun. The Improv Club is one of the newest clubs at Plymouth High School. Mr. Connor, an English teacher, is the advisor of the club. The club meets on Wednesdays 3:30-4:30 where they “play games, practice scenes, make things up, and have fun”, said Mr. Connor.

Mr. Connor decided to establish the club based around his own passions. He said, “Improv is a passion of mine, not just because it's fun, but because everyone can be an improviser. It's a wonderful outlet for creativity & energy, and I wanted to give that outlet to PHS students.”

Students such as junior Katy Smith, junior Levi Crawford, and senior Claire Peters use Improv Club for the outlet.

Peters, the social media director of the club, said, “My favorite part about this club is improving my improv and acting skills in a really laid back and fun environment. You don't have to be a master actor to participate and have a great time.”

The fundamentals of a great time is also what Levi Crawford enjoys the most about the activity. He said, “Improv Club is a great club to join, because although it is full of so many different people, we all work together to have fun and support each other when needed. It's a low-pressure environment, so you don't have to do anything you aren't comfortable with.”

To some Improv club is a place to better themselves as performers, and for others it is a place to de-stress through using positive energy and creativity.

Smith is this year’s Improv Club president. She said, “At improv, we strive to challenge kids to step out of their comfort zones and channel their creativity. In short, we try new things and have a laugh about.”

The fun and games of Improv Club will be put together to display at the end of the semester. Mr. Connor said, “We are hoping to have a showcase at the end of the semester to put on an improv show for other students, families, or community members.”

The Improv Club encourages new members to join, even if they are nervous or skeptical of the experience.

Peters said, “You are never forced to play anything, it's all volunteer based. So if you are afraid to participate, you are 100% welcome to just come and watch to see if it's something you would enjoy. Most people in this club aren't even in an acting class, so we have all different skill levels... so there's a game for everybody.”

5K Against Domestic Violence

Gabbi Wright

Can you tell me what the 5k run Against Domestic Violence is really all about?

It's really about bringing awareness to the problem of domestic violence that plagues our community. I'm currently working on a case to help two students at PHS, but there have been several cases in northern Indiana.

What is your motivation?

My motivation is happiness. Not just for me, but that of victims in the community. They need to know there are resources and that they're not alone. The world is full of people willing to give a helping hand, sometimes you just have to look a little harder. My motivation is to bring happiness to those who thought it'd be possible again and give them a place to turn to.

What do you hope people who decide to participate really get from this?

I hope participants understand the importance of the Heminger House and the strength that public awareness could bring. United we stand, against the issue of domestic violence.

Who do you know that is participating in the 5k?

We have many business owners, influential figures, parents, and students of the community participating in the event. It makes my heart happy to realize there is so much backing on my project by those with influential power in the community.

Other than the 5k, what other things are you doing for this organization? Ex: the auction

5K launching at 9:30 a.m., there will be local musicians performing throughout, an auction starting at 12:30, a cornhole tournament, a Pizza Hut booth, face painting booth, Avon booth, a local artist's booth, and more!

Assistant Superintendent

Meghan Caine

Mrs. Jill VanDriessche is the new Assistant Superintendent at Plymouth Community School Corporation. She was appointed to Mr. Andrew Hartley’s position in August after he was promoted to Superintendent. She previously worked at South Bend Community Schools and decided it was time for a change.

Mrs. VanDriessche said, “The opportunity to join a community that is focused on the schools, where there isn’t a separation of here we are at Plymouth and here is where we live and reside, but here we are at Plymouth and that everything we do encompasses this school system that it is united. Being part of that opportunity was something that was enticing.”

So far the transition has not been that easy, but she said that is to be expected.

She said, “Transitions are hard in general, whether you transition from one grade to the next, moving, or making decisions in life. They are all essential to be able to continue to grow, to cultivate your thinking, and to be able to become the best version of yourself.”

Boys Cross Country

Senior Devin Rogers

Why do you play this fall sport?

Not only does it keep me physically in shape, occupies my time, and teaches me valuable life skills, but it's also a place where I have met my closest friends.

How do you feel before and after a competition? Describe how you prepare and what you do after you compete?

I hate prep before competition. I get anxious, nervous, and I sometimes feel sick. Even after four years of this I still don't like preparing, but it's all worth it after I cross the finish line. I always celebrate with some form of food.

What is your most memorable moment while playing this fall sport?

Well, let me tell you, it's not the courses or the races. My mind goes completely blank when I'm racing. It's almost instinct now; I don't think.

What is one piece of advice you could give other athletes in fall sports?

Stay physical through winter and spring. If your sport is a passion, then use the time you have off season to improve yourself for in season.

Girls Cross Country

Freshman Ava LoMargo

Why do you play this fall sport?

I do this fall sport in order to stay in shape as well as support my team.

How do you feel before and after a competition? Describe how you prepare and what you do after you compete?

Before a competition, I feel nervous most of the time, and have been able to mentally prepare myself by forming a plan of how I am going to keep a strong pace throughout. After I compete, I usually feel relieved and proud that I got through a race with my team.

What is your most memorable moment while playing this fall sport?

My most memorable moment in this fall sport is when at my first meet of the season, I came in second for our girls team.

What is one piece of advice you could give other athletes in fall sports?

One piece of advice I could give to other athletes in fall sports is to enjoy being able to participate in it while you can and with the people you do.

Boys Soccer

Senior Wyatt Howard

Why do you play this fall sport?

I play soccer because I've played since I was a kid, and it's one of my most favorite times of the year that I can share with my friends.

How do you feel before and after a competition? Describe how you prepare and what you do after you compete.

I feel super excited before a match. I prepare myself by going out to eat before the game with all my teammates and enjoying myself, then right when we enter the field to warm up, I get serious and get my mind ready for the game. After the competition I feel ecstatic and celebrate by jogging down to our fans and my girlfriend. It's just so fun for me, so I'm never in that nervous feel because I know my team will perform against whoever we play.

What is your most memorable moment while playing this fall sport?

My most memorable moment while playing soccer is definitely winning sectionals last year. It was our goal at the very beginning of the season and we weren't gonna stop until we got there. We're only the second Plymouth team to ever achieve that. Now we're going for that and more this year. I've got the opportunity to play with such an amazing team and I look forward to continue our journey and make more memories.

What is one piece of advice you could give other athletes in fall sports?

One piece of advice I would give other athletes in fall sports is cherish your time with that sport. Time flies by and before you know it, that sport will be over. All I can say is to have fun and enjoy every moment of it, because like most things, it doesn't last forever.

Girls Soccer

Junior Kaitlyn Carothers

Why do you play this fall sport?

I love the people in the sport who make all of the practices and games fun.

How do you feel before and after a competition? Describe how you prepare and what you do after you compete.

Before games, my team and I watch the JV game and then warm up for about an hour. After the game, we all get on the bus and listen to music and have fun.

What is your most memorable moment while playing this fall sport?

My most memorable moment from playing this sport is when we beat Goshen my freshman year.

What is one piece of advice you could give other athletes in fall sports?

My advice is to always put your best effort into everything you do.


Senior John Mills

Why do you play this fall sport?

I play football is because it is my favorite sport and I love the game of it.

How do you feel before and after a competition? Describe how you prepare and what you do after you compete.

Before I compete, I listen to music and watch the Boys of Fall video in Coach Barron's room. After we compete we run ten tens, and if we win we sing the Plymouth victory song.

What is your most memorable moment while playing this fall sport?

My most memorable moment is when we played against the Warsaw Tigers and I got to play. I got a solo tackle, an assists tackle, and a forced fumble and I almost got it.

What is one piece of advice you could give other athletes in fall sports?

One piece of advice is to play the sport you love, and to never quit when it gets hard or tough.


Junior Breanna Wright

Why do you play this fall sport?

I'm a cheerleader because I love the bond we all have. I love doing stunts and cheering Friday nights!

How do you feel before and after a competition? Describe how you prepare and what you do after you compete.

I feel nervous before going out on the track! After a game it depends how the Rockies played on how I feel after the game.

What is one piece of advice you could give other athletes in fall sports?

Have a great season and go Rockies!


Junior Sadie Bastardo

Why do you play this fall sport?

It has always been a passion of mine, and I am working very hard for a scholarship.

How do you feel before and after a competition? Describe how you prepare and what you do after you compete.

I feel really competitive and excited, because I love the sport of volleyball a lot.

What is your most memorable moment while playing this fall sport?

My most memorable moment was when we won against our rival of Warsaw last year.

What is one piece of advice you could give other athletes in fall sports?

Balance your sports and homework, because it's hard for me, and I am swamped with everything.

Boys Tennis

Freshman Drew Harrell

Why do you play this fall sport?

I play this sport because I have developed a love for it.

How do you feel before and after a competition? Describe how you prepare and what you do after you compete.

Before matches I feel a bit nervous, but ready and eager to play. After the matches, depending on the results, I will be in a good mood or after a loss I will be quieter. I prepare for matches by completing the warm ups with my teammates and listening to music. After matches I usually watch teammates that aren't done yet. While I watch my teammates, I usually think about my match and what I could do better.

What is your most memorable moment while playing this fall sport?

So far my most memorable moments are before matches, and just spending time with my teammates. We usually have a fun time [except for after matches].

What is one piece of advice you could give other athletes in fall sports?

I would advise other athletes in fall sports to continue to work hard. The fall sports season feels short, so make the most of the season.

Girls Golf

Junior Brittany Klotz

Why do you play this fall sport?

I play golf because I absolutely love the tranquility of the nature, but yet how electrifying the atmosphere is. You wouldn't even believe the rush you get stepping up to your ball, knowing in the next couple seconds, your body will take over for just a split second and you don't exactly know where it'll land. That, right there, is why I play golf.

How do you feel before and after a competition? Describe how you prepare and what you do after you compete.

Before, I feel pretty pumped and ready to [hopefully] "unleash the beast" After, (depending on what my score was and how I played) I'm usually either really happy, or kinda down, but my teammates always know how to get me back up.

What is your most memorable moment while playing this fall sport?

I think the most memorable moment I had for this golf season was when Emily Cochern found out she could get the golf balls out with her toes, (because she doesn't wear shoes) and some of the girls from the other teams were not amused, but we sure were.

What is one piece of advice you could give other athletes in fall sports?

Keep your standards high, remember it's just a game, have fun, and make as many memories as you can.