PH0004853.007 [Coly3] Membury. Colyford school

PH0004853.008 [Coly2] Tytherleigh Arms. Colyford school

05 September 2014

PH0004853/7, IVY ANN SEWARD & PARTNERS, DALWOOD, GLENDALE, AXMINSTER, EX13 7EJ, GB[COLY3], Membury Post Office, Kilmington, Colyford, The ElmsReceived: 10-Jul-2014Effective: 05-Sep-2014Variation:0. N & P: NP2508, 3.1 Registration of New Services

05 September 2014

PH0004853/8, IVY ANN SEWARD & PARTNERS, DALWOOD, GLENDALE, AXMINSTER, EX13 7EJ, GB[COLY 2], Tytherleigh Arms, Chardstock, Axminster, Colyford, The ElmsReceived: 10-Jul-2014Effective: 05-Sep-2014Variation:0. N & P: NP2508, 3.1 Registration of New Services Colyton Grammar School days only

05 September 2016

PH0004853/7, IVY ANN SEWARD & PARTNERS, DALWOOD, GLENDALE, AXMINSTER, EX13 7EJ, GB[COLY3], Membury Post Office, Kilmington, Colyford, The ElmsReceived: 23-Jun-2016Effective: 05-Sep-2016Variation:1. N & P: NP2559, 3.3 Applications to Vary Existing Services Pick up and drop off points added on A358 at Gamberlake, Axminster.

31 October 2016

PH0004853/7, IVY ANN SEWARD & PARTNERS, DALWOOD, GLENDALE, AXMINSTER, EX13 7EJ, GB[COLY3], Membury Post Office, Kilmington, Colyford, The ElmsReceived: 10-Oct-2016Effective: 31-Oct-2016Variation:2. N & P: NP2576, 3.4 Applications to Vary Existing Services Granted Under Short Notice "Morning pick up times advanced by 5 minutes

31 October 2016

PH0004853/8, IVY ANN SEWARD & PARTNERS, DALWOOD, GLENDALE, AXMINSTER, EX13 7EJ, GB[COLY 2], Tytherleigh Arms, Chardstock, Axminster, Colyford, The ElmsReceived: 10-Oct-2016Effective: 31-Oct-2016Variation:1. N & P: NP2576, 3.4 Applications to Vary Existing Services Granted Under Short Notice To advance the morning pick up times by 5 minutes

03 April 2017

PH0004853/7, IVY ANN SEWARD & PARTNERS, DALWOOD, GLENDALE, AXMINSTER, EX13 7EJ, GB[COLY3], Membury Post Office, Kilmington, Colyford, The ElmsReceived: 03-Apr-2017Effective: 03-Apr-2017Variation:3. N & P: NP2590, 3.4 Applications to Vary Existing Services Granted Under Short Notice Road closure

07 September 2020

07 September 2020PH0004853/8, RICHARD MERVYN SEWARD & CATHERINE ELSIE SEWARD, DALWOOD, GLENDALE, AXMINSTER, EX13 7EJ, GB[COLY 2], Tytherleigh Arms, Chardstock, Axminster, Colyford, The ElmsReceived: 05-Aug-2020Effective: 07-Sep-2020Variation:2. N & P: NP2816, 3.6 Cancellations of Existing Services Granted Under Short Notice cancellation

05 September 2022

PH0004853/7RICHARD MERVYN SEWARD & CATHERINE ELSIE SEWARD[COLY3], Stockland, Cokers Elms, Colyford, The ElmsReceived: 08-Jun-2022Effective: 05-Sep-2022Accepted: 14-Jun-2022Variation:4NP2861: 3.3 Applications to Vary Existing ServicesRoute and timetable variationTimetable:

04 January 2023

PH0004853/7RICHARD MERVYN SEWARD & CATHERINE ELSIE SEWARD[COLY3], Stockland, Cokers Elms, Colyford, The ElmsReceived: 14-Nov-2022Effective: 04-Jan-2023Accepted: 15-Nov-2022Variation:5NP2883: 3.3 Applications to Vary Existing ServicesVariation to timetable and stopping placesTimetable:

11 February 2023

PH0004853/7RICHARD MERVYN SEWARD & CATHERINE ELSIE SEWARD[COLY3], Stockland, Cokers Elms, Colyford, The ElmsReceived: 08-Dec-2022Effective: 11-Feb-2023Accepted: 12-Dec-2022Variation:6NP2887: 3.5 Cancellations Of Existing ServicescancelledTimetable: