Frequently Asked Questions

Teacher Contact Hours

Teachers will be available during each school day from 9:00am - 12 noon and again from 6:30-7:30pm via email. You should expect to receive a reply within a few minutes, or as he/she is available. Third-fifth grade students may also be able to ask questions using private comments, only visible to their teacher, on Google Classroom.

How can my child submit his/her work to the teacher?

Students in grades 3-5 can submit all assignments through Google Classroom. Grades K-2 can submit assignments through Seesaw. Please contact your child's teacher if he/she is having difficulty accessing these apps or submitting assignments through these apps.

When will my child know what is expected from him/her each day?

Teachers will be creating weekly At Home Learning Calendars which will be emailed to families each week. These calendars can also be accessed through the Grade Level Learning Calendars tab on this website. Students in grades 3-5 should be checking their Google Classroom page each day!

The anticipated daily amount of time spent on school work will be different depending on the grade level and child. These estimated times include any regular at home practice they would be doing as well, i.e math facts, spelling, and independent reading.

  • Kindergarten: approximately one to two hours per day

  • Grades 1 - 2: approximately two and a half hours per day

  • Grades 3 - 5: three hours per day

Can we print out the worksheets and do them with paper/pencil or do they need to be completed online? How do we complete worksheets online?

Any worksheets that you print out or pages that students complete in a workbook can be submitted online by taking a picture. In Seesaw there is a "photo" option where you can use the camera on your device to capture a picture of the completed work. If you are using the Google Classroom App on a device, you can attach a completed assignment using the device's camera to take a picture. Another option is to scan the completed sheets into your computer and then upload them.

Some activities or worksheets will be completed within Seesaw or Google Classroom. Each assignment will include directions as to whether it is a hard copy to be uploaded or completed online.

Should I keep the paper copy of my child's work, even after uploading it to Google Classroom or Seesaw?

If your children have submitted work through Google Classroom or Seesaw, they do not need to keep a paper copy. If you have been sending work to a teacher through email or through another method, you will want to keep a paper copy.

What type of device would you suggest to use? Desktop computer? Tablet? Phone?

Whatever works best! Each device will work slightly different with Google Classroom and Seesaw so feel free to use a variety of platforms. If you would like to print a PDF, accessing Google Classroom on a desktop computer that is connected to a printer will be helpful. For uploading pictures/video, it will be easiest to upload from the tablet/device that you took the picture/video on. We recommend being signed on to multiple devices for easy switching. Take advantage of Google's multiple sign in option that allows easy switching between accounts. For Google Classroom users (Grades 3-5), it might also be helpful to use the Google Chrome browser on desktop computers since Google Apps are designed to work together.

What do I do if my child looses his/her Password Sheet?

If your family misplaces a child's Password Sheet, you can contact your child's teacher or Mrs. Kipp and a new password sheet will be emailed to you. If you have the password sheet but you are still have trouble logging in to a site, please contact Mrs. Kipp.

Where do I go for tech support questions?

Support for Online Learning technical issues is available for all PCS students. This includes any issues with Renweb, Google Classroom, Chromebooks, G-Suite and other digital tools in use at PCS. Please contact your child's teacher first to see if he/she can assist you in resolving the issue.

For additional help, contact Mrs. Miquel via email.

For additional guidelines and support, visit our Upper School Resources, put together by Mr. Burbage!