
Stereotype (noun)

  1. A widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing.

Throughout my life, my identity has been splintered by preconceived ideas of the people around me. It has been a journey of me learning to see these pieces as a whole, not as a conglomeration of parts. In this work, I decided to pick four major categories that my identity has been split into and been assumed of: my ethnicity, my upbringing, my gender role, and my passion. These four pieces of myself have been dramaticized to emphasize the oversimplification of my identity, even more so in the settings of a typical day. I was heavily influenced by Ralph Gibson, for his use of composition; Frida Kahlo, for her use of portraiture and identity; and Wendy Red Star, for her humorous approach in confronting romanticized representations of her culture. I hope this work brings awareness in a humorous way to the impossibility of trying to simplify humanity into a sum of parts.