Arts Honors Diplomas

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We ask students to inform their School counselor of their intent to pursue an Honors Diploma to allow us time to arrange for certified teachers or External Experts to review all submitted portfolios.

Review and Validation by External Experts

A student who completes the portfolio criterion must have the portfolios evaluated by external experts in the student’s honors diploma area of focus. “External” is defined as someone not employed by the student’s district. Also, external experts should not be family members of the student. “Expert” is defined as someone with an academic and/or professional background in the student’s honors diploma area of focus.

General examples of external experts include:

• Industry and business stakeholders.

• Educators who are either retired, from other schools, or from institutions of higher learning.

• University faculty members.

• Graduates of postsecondary programs with experience in the student’s area of focus.

• Professionals or practitioners, now employed or retired.

External experts will evaluate the work contained in the portfolio and may use the portfolio rubric if they choose. The external expert and school district are encouraged to use the same criteria for evaluation. Schools are encouraged to collaborate with neighboring districts in their identification of external experts. A teacher from a neighboring district could serve as an external expert for a student. Educational service centers also may assist districts. Students also may identify external experts to review their work as long as they meet the definitions established above. The district should approve of any experts that the student identifies. Districts have the ultimate responsibility of establishing who will serve as external experts.