What other things do I need to know about early reading?

"Teach a child to read and keep that child reading and we will change everything. And I mean everything."

Jeanette Winterson

Children in F2 who are learning the first 44 letter sounds and are not blending fluently will bring home a sound book, and a story book of their choosing to share at home. Once children can blend fluently, RWI books matching learning in the classroom will also be sent home. Children also have access to the elibrary for RWI on Oxford Owls.

All children in school have 1 hour set aside for daily reading teaching. The focus is on phonics for those children who need it, progressing to Speedy reading and Accelerated reader.

Early reading isn't just about phonics. Children need to develop a love of reading through stories, poetry and finding things out. 

EYFS have daily story sessions plus songs and rhymes. Nursery have a rhyme of the week. F2 also have a focussed story session 4 times per week, including Teach through stories. They also have a poetry session weekly.

KS1 have a Teach Through Stories session 4 times per week. KS2 have a daily story session 4 times per week.

In English, texts match the expedition.

What happens if my child isn't speaking or has additional needs?

Children who aren't speaking usually show understanding in different ways. Assessments are carried out using pictures and pointing. For those children who are BSL uses the letters are introduced to the children to aid in letter recognition and develop vocabulary. These children then progress to visual literacy as they are unable or struggle to hear sounds in order to blend. 

Children with SEND may need smaller steps as well as intervention for fine motor skills, use of technology or enlarged texts. Although children are taught in small cumulative steps, lessons are well-paced, engaging and motivating. Lessons are pitched at their starting points.