
Partnerships for Literacy and Learning is featuring a "Talk-It-Out" series. These are short informational/educational videos will be featured for you to watch at your convenience and then we'll gather for a 45 minute Talk-It-Out opportunity. These educational experts will be available to us for FREE in an Google Meet to further discuss the topic, brainstorm ideas and answer questions. If you can't make the meet, enjoy the videos.

  • Step 1 - Watch the Video

  • Step 2 - Join the Google Meet

Christine Hertz Hausman is a teacher, author, and consultant. In this video, she will explore ways that children can use cycles of inquiry and project based learning to follow their curiosity and explore, create, and learn. With strategies and tools that could be used for remote or in-person learning, this video will guide teachers in creating learning experiences that are engaging and responsive. 29 min.


Inquiry, Investigations and Projects <----Video Link

Resources for the Video <--------- Christine's Blogpost

Google Meeting Occured on June 1, 2020

Jim Calhoun, Ph.D school psychologist, speaks about how to support students and build collaborations with parents during these challenging times. He uses Bronfenbrenner's ecological systems theory to step us through this socio-historical time as it shapes education. "Play Personalities" as a way to find a way in with various students is also discussed. 19 min.


Home and School Collaboration... <----Video Link

Google Meeting Occured on June 2, 2020

Gayle Moskowitz is an elementary literacy coach, a literacy consultant with PLL, and has taught classes for UVM, Saint Michael's College and Southern NH University. She helps us learn more about teaching our students to respond to text through writing. Are kids comprehending what they are reading? What kinds of thinking are students doing when they read? Gayle will help you find ways to answer these and more questions. 17 mins.


Writing About Reading - Ways We Respond to Text <----Video Link

Google Meeting Occurred June 3, 2020

Alysia Backman and Emily Gilmore are both Vermont high school teachers who have worked together for 5 years. Alysia is a lecturer for pre-service, undergraduate teacher courses and Emily is a 2017 Rowland Fellow who studied Act 77, the Flexible Pathways Initiative. This video will help you be intentional and reflective when designing learning for all students. You will also become aware of how different lenses and frameworks impact students’ learning. Additionally, you will learn about a variety of tools to use to reflect on how to know if you are meeting the needs of all your students. 37 min.


From Freedom to Empowerment... <--------Link for video

PDF of Presentation w/ Live Links for Resources <------- PDF Link

Google Meeting Occurred June 4, 2020

Ellen Thompson, Ed.D, a well-known Vermont Literacy Consultant and National Board Certified teacher is with us to help us with this all important topic: Vocabulary Instruction Matters! What does the research say? What are some guiding principles for teaching vocabulary? Learn 5 instructional moves to use in a digital or traditional classroom environment. 29 min.

Session was held on May 13, 2020

Making Schedules (1).mp4

Making a Schedule for Home Learning

Kristi Mraz is a teacher, author for teachers, pun nerd and consultant. She shares with us thoughts on how and why to make a schedule for young children during this challenging time of home learning. Merging school into the home is new and Kristi helps support parents of young children in this new endeavor. 13 min.

What would I do...v1.mp4

Organizing for Home Learning - What Would I Do?

Ellen Thompson, Ed.D, a well-known Vermont Literacy Consultant and National Board Certified teacher shares ideas of how to organize for home learning. Read-alouds, reading independently, functional workspaces and the importance of routines are just some of what's highlighted in this video from Ellen. 18 min.

Choreographing Communication

Choreographing Communication

In this video PLL's Vermont Literacy Consultant Melanie Stultz-Backus describes the Critical Response Process, an innovation developed by Liz Lerman, dancer and choreographer. This process is designed to create meaningful feedback and communication within the writing workshop for the upper grades. 5 min.

Kristi Mraz is a teacher, author for teachers, pun nerd and consultant. Why is it important to maintain PLAY at this time? Kristi helps us understand why we need to encourage our children to play independently. According to the research, socially competent children do better in life, and this video will help you support your children in these important skills. 30 min.

COMING SOON - Marjorie Y. Lipson

Mary Grace and Melanie Stultz-Backus share some tried and true discussion strategies and that have been tweaked for online use. The importance of discussion, making the most of online discussion and assessing student discussion are some of the topics covered in this video. 24 min