
Game Jam Junior 2016


Organizer: IVE

Competition date: 21/7 – 25/7

Game Jam Junior是一個開發遊戲的有趣活動,為中學生提供學習製作電腦遊戲平台、建立團隊精神的機會。參加者要在3天內,根據特定主題製作出一款遊戲,並將創作經驗向其他參加者及評審員分享。 

2016-07-02 Cisco Networking Academy, Hong Kong & Macau NetRiders IT Skills Competitions

Gold Medal: PLKLFC Team 1  

5J Hau Pak Chuen

5J Shi Pok Lai

Bronze Medal: PLKLFC Team 2 

5V Lee Yi Ting

5V Lo Lok Tin

2016-07-09 「刮住學」初中編程體驗比賽

亞軍: 3J 謝宇彬, 3J 吳雪熒

季軍: 3V 陳思雅, 3M 謝浩賢

優異獎: 3M 陳民諾, 3M 吳寶潼 

2016-04-23 「校際IT精英挑戰賽2016」決賽

(高中組 優異獎) 

2016-06-24 Scratch Competition 刮住學初中編程體驗比賽. Department of Computer Science, The University of Hong Kong.

2016-4-11 Junior Elite Team Training for LHT and LFC junior students. Workshop of 硬件簡介 (如何組裝桌面電腦) completed.

2016-2-29 Junior Elite Team Training for LHT and LFC junior students. Workshop of 電子筆記(二) completed. 

016-03-23 Our school IT Elite Team (2 teams in 初中組 and 2 teams in 高中組) enter 「校際IT精英挑戰賽2016」決賽 (最後20強) 

2016-04-02 Mind Drive Competition for Secondary Schools

Department of Computer Science, Hong Kong Baptist University 

2016-1-18 & 2016-2-1 Junior Elite Team Training for LHT and LFC junior students. Workshop of 立體動畫 completed.

2016-2-22 Junior Elite Team Training for LHT and LFC junior students. Workshop of 電子筆記(一) completed. 

2015-12-7 Junior Elite Team Training for LHT and LFC junior students. Workshop of 編輯影片技巧 (iMovie) 2 completed. 

2015-12-14 Junior Elite Team Training for LHT and LFC junior students. Workshop of 編輯影片技巧 (iMovie) 3 completed. 

2015-12-11 Workshop of 數碼遊戲創作工作坊 completed.

2015-11-09 Junior Elite Team Training for LHT and LFC S1 students. Workshop of Google Document (Collaborate in constructing Timetable) completed

2015-12-11 Workshop of 數碼遊戲創作工作坊 completed.

2015-11-09 Junior Elite Team Training for LHT and LFC S1 students. Workshop of Google Document (Collaborate in constructing Timetable) completed

2015-10-12 Junior Elite Team Training for LHT and LFC S1 students. Workshop of 雲端服務(Cloud Services) + Google Drive completed