Culture of Readers

Forest Grove

Culture of Readers

At Forest Grove, we create a culture of readers. Kids don't come to the library to just "check out a book'" but they experience the different books that they are reading. They are held to a high standard reading a variety of books throughout the year, and really examine what they are reading. How does that books make you feel? Can you walk in someone else shoes? Think about how they dealt with that challenge or success? Can you learn from that? Reading is not just what we do at Forest Grove, but it is a driving force we use to educate each other that goes beyond the worlds on the page.


GoldFinch Winners

  • To encourage children to read more and better books.

  • To discriminate in choosing worthwhile books.

  • To provide an avenue for positive dialogue between teacher, parent, and children about books and authors.

  • To give recognition to those who write books for children.

The Goldfinch Award is unique in that it gives children an opportunity to choose the book to receive the award and to suggest books for the yearly reading list.


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Iowa Children's Choice

  • To encourage to read more and better books

  • To provide an avenue for positive dialogue between teachers, parents, and children about books and authors

  • To give recognition to those who write books for children

  • To provide children an opportunity to choose a book to receive the award

  • To offer an avenue for students to suggest books for the yearly reading list

The Iowa Children's Choice Award is unique in that it gives children an opportunity to choose the book to receive the award and to suggest books for the yearly reading list.
