Welcome to Mrs. Augello's Website

Ordinary People Can Do Extraordinary Things! Let's make this year EXTRAORDINARY!!!

"If you're always trying to be normal you will never know how amazing you can be." - Maya Angelou

Class Overview:

Mrs. Mehta, our classroom paraprofessional, and I will be working with your student. We are very excited to be part of your student's team!

The 1st period Math 8 class will give students access to the 8th grade CA Common Core State Standards, as well as work on areas that are a challenge. We will be using the same GO Math! book that all Math 8 classes will be using. We are putting together a packet of textbooks and other items to be used during remote learning.

The 2nd period English 8 class will also give students access to the 8th CA Common Core State Standards, and address areas that are a challenge. We will read the same core literature as all other 8th grade classes, which is "A Christmas Carol" by Charles Dickens as well as other literary works and short stories. We will also work on our writing craft. We are putting together a packet of textbooks and other items to be used during remote learning.

The 7th period Learning Lab is used to support students in the co-taught Math and Language Arts classes spanning 6th, 7th, and 8th grades. The emphasis will be on the aforementioned classes, addressing IEP goals,executive management skills, and time permitting, support in science and history.


Mrs. Augello & Mrs. Mehta

"Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all." - Aristotle

"Always let your conscience be your guide."


Please feel free to contact me with any concerns or questions: kaugello@pleasantonusd.net