Electronic Portfolio of

Taylor Brown


Welcome to my e-portfolio. I'm Taylor and I hope to be a writer and teacher of literature.

Right now, I'm a Junior at Monroe High School in Granada, Ca. On the education page, you will see I'm taking a mix of courses both out of my comfort zone and also courses that I'm passionate about, all to challenge me and provide a balanced approach to my education. One of the things I love most about my time at Monroe is my ability to choose my path. That trust and independence to decide for myself has given me confidence in my own life in and outside of school.

When I'm not studying and attending school, you will likely find me in a pool swimming laps, playing waterpolo, or splashing my friends. Under the sun and on a trail is where I feel most inspired to write, so most of my free time is spent this way - hikes, bike rides, boogie boarding, climbing trees.

In the future, I hope to continue to be a dreamer. I want to be someone who runs after passion, inspires the young, and works hard every single day. In the future, I hope to be accepted to a literature program, maybe yours, that adds to my writing tools, challenges my viewpoints, digs deep into meaning, and connects me with other creative thinkers.

Thank you for being here.

Contact Me

  • taylorbrown789@gmail.com

  • 555-555-5678