According to Microsoft Power BI

A data dashboard is a tool businesses use to help track, analyze, and display data, usually to gain deeper insight into the overall wellbeing of the organization, a department, or even a specific process. Behind the scenes, dashboards connect all kinds of different metrics, data sources — and they help companies extract relevant information from those sources and display it in user-friendly ways.

Why data dashboards are important

Data dashboards organize and display important information at a glance to help you understand your company’s most valuable data and unearth answers to crucial questions. By connecting dashboards to specific metrics or key performance indicators (KPIs), you gain vital business intelligence and the ability to dive deep into specific pieces of information to continually monitor success. Just like in a car, dashboards indicate how far along you are on your journey and how long it may take to get where you want to go.

In addition to a quick and easy data visibility, dashboards also allow:

Performance measurement - Customizable dashboards allow your business to set specific KPIs that help you track the information you need to see how you’re doing in multiple areas and across departments. You may want to understand whether groups are meeting their goals, whether marketing pieces are working as anticipated, or what the most popular restaurant dish is.

Data transparency and accessibility - Dashboards bring different kinds of data together to display key metrics and insights in a way that’s digestible enough for everyone to understand. By dismantling potential data siloes, internal and external audiences have visibility into how different areas perform—and everyone becomes empowered to help the business improve.

Pleasanton Unified CTE Data Dashboards

To achieve the results described above, the CTE Department has created data dashboards based on historical annual data reported to the California Department of Education via CALPADS in order to aid in the analysis of the department's performance and inform future decisions. 

The annaul trends data provides a quick snapshot of key CTE metrics spread over all the years for which we have available data. The annual results data provide disagregated data for each school year in which have available data. Click on the associated picture below to view the data dashboard for that school year.

Historical CTE Performance Data: Annual Trends

Historical CTE Performance Data: Annual Results

2021-2022 High School CTE Dashboard

2020-2021 High School CTE Dashboard

2019-2020 High School CTE Dashboard

2018-2019 High School CTE Dashboard