About Me

2023 - 2024 Class Schedule

Period 1 AP World

Period 2 AP World

Period 3 AP World

Period 4 Prep

Period 5 AP World

Period 6 Civics 

Office Hours: I am available upon appointment so E - mail me and we can set a time up to talk in person or via zoom. 

My email address will be changing to my new last name - check for updates.

Teaching Career:

       I am very excited to be at Foothill High School and to share my years of classroom experience and love of history! I moved to Pleasanton six years ago from Connecticut. In Connecticut I received my bachelor’s degree in History and Minor in Geography at Central Connecticut State University where I predominantly focused on Medieval Modern European History and Russian Studies. I later received my Masters in Curriculum and Design from the University of Connecticut (Go Huskies!). I have taught 3 years of 8th Grade U.S. History and 10 Years High School History teaching :U.S. History, APUSH, World History, AP World History, Civics, Asian Studies, African Studies and Psychology and AP Psychology. 

    I have had a wide array of teaching experience and am thrilled to be able to share so many interests with my students. 

Personal Life:

            I come from a family of five with my parents, brother and sister sprawled out over the United States from California, Wisconsin to Connecticut. I grew up in Glastonbury, Connecticut where I enjoyed swimming, horseback riding and rowing crew. I swam competitively in high school and college and served as a coach in the U.S. swimming circuit for over 12 years. I spent a vast portion of my spare time growing up at the barn riding horses (Western and English) for 19 years and hope one day to return to it.

           When I am not grading papers during the school year I enjoy reading, hiking, running, and snuggling my cat Squeaker. My husband and I welcomed out first child Thaddeus Joseph McKean (TJ) last January and have been enjoying the summer with him. I am an avid reader and am often juggling several books at a time; reading one adult fiction book, one historical book, and one audiobook. I am slowly working my way through Brand Sanderson's Stormlight Archive Series.  I am always looking for new recommendations so feel free to email me any suggestions.