Welcome to Mrs. Palmer's

First Grade Owl Class

Hello First Grade Families,

Welcome to the Wonderful World of First Grade! I am honored to be your child's teacher this year and to be their guide on this amazing learning journey. I am committed to make this year the most meaningful, engaging and positive experience possible for all our students. During this year together, we will create students who love to read, who can't wait to write stories and who find math and the world around them exciting and full of adventure. Together, we will create lifelong learners.

This site will serve as a great resource for all of your child's learning needs. It will be updated often with new links, activities and resources.

In addition, each Sunday evening, I will send an email with all of the assignments your child will need for the week ahead. This will include our weekly schedule and all of the important video and Zoom links your child will need. We will be using SeeSaw to share and turn in work completed at home. I will be sharing more login information soon.

Please send me an email to cpalmer@pleasantonusd.net to ensure I have the correct email address you would like me to use this school year. Be sure to add any other family members you would like me to include in our weekly classroom correspondence.

Important Dates:

*Wednesday, August 11th: First Day of School- 9:15 a.m. Zoom together with Mrs. Palmer

*Wednesday, August 18th: First Grade Materials Pick Up at the District Office. Please remember to wear a mask and practice social distancing.

*Thursday, August 19th: Virtual Back to School Night. First Grade 6:00-6:30 p.m. I will send a zoom link and more information next week.

I am looking forward to meeting you and getting to know all of your wonderful First Graders.


Mrs. Palmer