Tutor Recruitment

We are looking for motivated seniors to mentor tutor AVID students on campus.

AVID is an academic elective designed to help students foster the skills they need for school and beyond! This is a full year commitment, but it's an elective that looks AMAZING on your college resume/transcript. It's like..."elite TA." As an AVID tutor, you would be responsible for mentoring small groups of students twice a week and helping check their work. That means, the other days you have free to do whatever YOU need to do for school! Plus, the AVID department is pretty cool, if I do say so myself. Ms. Davies and myself would LOVE to have you help out in our classes!

If you're interested and have a period you need to fill in your schedule next year, please select AVID tutor!

Please email me if you'd like more information.

AVID AD 2020.m4v