December 2023


Do NOT block traffic by waiting for students on Dorman Road in front of our school. The southbound far right lane is for vehicles turning right into the Donlon parking lot. 

Absolutely do NOT drop off or pick up your children in the middle of the road! Do NOT run across the road or encourage your children to run across the road. There are crosswalks designated, and all must use the crosswalks. A few extra steps to go to the crosswalk can be the difference between safety and tragedy.


Please let your students know that they must get off of their bikes and walk across the street. Riding a bike across the street is risky, because it doesn't allow time for the person driving a car to see you in time to stop.


Thursday, December  14 - PTA Family Movie Night in the MPR, 5:00 - 7:30pm

Friday December 22 - Minimum Day Schedule (ALL start at 8:15am; Kinder & TK out at 12:05pm, 1st thru 5th out at 12:15pm)

December 25 - January 8 - Winter Break (no school)

January 15 - Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (no school)


Dance 4 All Event Flyer.pdf

Is your child interested in learning about different dances around the world?  Wouldn't it be great to learn about different cultural dances while also celebrating the holidays?  Foothill's Dance 4 All, a dance outreach club, has the perfect event for you!  This free event is coming up soon.  Space is limited to the first 30 participants so register as soon as possible.  See the attached flyer for all the details. 

Register at 

Provide your child's name and age

Attendance Matters!

Please remember that every moment of learning counts for your child. It's important for children to be at school on time each day. Please let Mrs. Gates or Mrs. Tremain know how we can help you and your child with this essential task.

These norms of behavior are how we adults interact at Donlon .  If you have any questions about our norms, please reach out to Janet Gates or Danielle Tremain, your Donlon administrators.

Donlon's Meeting Norms:


If you want to volunteer on campus or on field trips this school year, please see the Volunteers page of the PUSD website to review the newly created PUSD Volunteer Handbook. After reading through the handbook, apply to be a volunteer for the 2023-24 school year by using the PUSD Raptor Volunteer Application link. Please note: TB clearance is required for all volunteers

Volunteer Clearance process - if you think you MIGHT want to volunteer in a classroom, please complete this process - you'll be ready!

Questions? Please email


We have been loaning out a lot of clothing to students who need a change of clothes for various reasons.  We are running low and would appreciate any of the following gently worn clothing items to add to our supply:


Please drop off your donations at the Donlon Office.  Thank you!

Cubs in the Community! See what our Cubs are doing...

Featuring our Cubs and the things that they are doing outside of their school day. Please use this form to submit information (keep it short and sweet) and a photo if you'd like. Then look for your child in our next Digest update!

No submissions were received this month - please take a moment to share what your children are doing in our community!

AAFN Dates 23-24 (5).pdf

African-American Family Network Dates for 23-24 School Year

African-American Family Network meets quarterly for the 23-24 school year.  The dates and locations can be found on the flier at left. Quarterly African-American Family Network Meetings are the first and broadest touchpoint for African-American families in PUSD to build community in affinity space, have culturally relevant and specific activities that are social and fun, and opt into other district programs.

Birthdays & Other Celebrations

Each student receives a birthday pencil from Principal Gates or Vice Principal Tremain during the month of their birthday (and they get the special happy birthday serenade!). Other birthday celebrations for children should happen at home. No food (no candy) or drinks may be distributed to students, as student allergies can be life threatening. Thank you for your understanding.

Our School Plan for Student Achievement for 2023-2024 school year is attached here.  Please take some time to review our goals for this school year! For a quick summary of our SPSA, click here.

School Site Council meets monthly to review data, consider options for improvement, and determine our focus for the school year. This important group of people represents and serves all aspects of our school community with 5 parents, 3 teachers, 1 non-teacher staff member, and our Principal. All are welcome to attend, and there is time allotted for  comments from the community at the beginning of our meetings. Please see the Donlon Website for School Site Council meeting dates, agendas, and minutes.


Now through Wednesday, December 20th, 2023, PPIE will be accepting submissions of a logo for their next Annual Run for Education happening in April 2024. The winning design will be highlighted on the run t-shirts and the winning student will receive a $100 Amazon gift card and 2 entries to the race of their choice for the Pleasanton Run for Education!



Please email design entries or any questions to with the subject line "Run for Education Logo Contest" by Wednesday, December 20, 2023.  Include the student's name, grade, school and contact info in the entry email.  Winner to be notified in January. 

*All submissions become property of PPIE.  PPIE reserves the rights to any logo design submitted and to making any modifications needed thereafter to have the design fit our needs, which may also be used for online marketing and print materials.  When you submit your work to the contest, you give PPIE permission to use your work in a wide variety of ways without further permission or approval from you. Formally, this means you grant PPIE a license to use, copy, change, publish, publicly perform, distribute, exhibit, or add to your work.

Please help spread the word to your students and any clubs at school that may have students with a passion for art and graphic design! 

Information on the contest can also be found here: