November 2022


Dates for November:

November 11 - Holiday - Veteran's Day

November 14 - Ruby Bridges Walk To School Day

November 14 - Minimum day for grades 4 and 5 (all others, regular schedule)

November 15, 16, 17 - Minimum days for all students (conferences)

November 18 - No school (conferences)

November 21 - 25 - Thanksgiving Break

November 30 - School Site Council meeting (on zoom)




The California Health and Safety Code (124105) requires that every child entering the First Grade in a CA school have a health check-up.  A certificate, signed by a licensed healthcare provider, must be presented to the school to verify that your child has received the health check-up. Exams may be dated back to 6 months before they began Kindergarten through Nov. 7th, 2022.   

Click here for a copy of the Health Exam form.  In addition to the doctor's signature and stamp, please also sign the parent/guardian portion.  Thank you!

Jamie Tompkins

Health Services Assistant

Not Feeling Well?

Since we are entering cold & flu season, take steps to keep our community healthy.

Wear a mask if you have any symptoms while around others. 


As the weather continues to get colder and rainy season begins, we anticipate more students wearing coats and bringing umbrellas to school. Please remember to LABEL all items sent to school with  your child's name. Students can look for their lost items at the front of school by the Kinder yard before and after school; lost and found items will be taken from school and donated weekly.


Please call the school office absentee line at 925-426-0403 to let us know if your child will be absent from school.  Please state the child’s name, the teacher’s name, and the reason for the absence.  Children should be free of a fever for 24 hours (without medication) prior to returning to school.  Prolonged illness or communicable disease should be reported to the school office as soon as diagnosed.  If the student’s absence is due to a contagious illness, you will need to provide the school with a doctor’s note upon the student’s return to school. To request homework, contact your child’s teacher via email.


While we understand that there are sometimes challenges in the morning, please work to ensure that your child arrives at school on time. Children miss vital parts of lessons when they are late to school. If late, we will ask your child to check in at the office before going to their classroom, to be sure that they aren’t marked absent.

Early Dismissal of Student Procedure:

Although students are allowed to leave during the school hours for medical or dental appointments, this is not encouraged.  In order to protect each child who needs to leave the school before dismissal time, the parent must personally come to the office and sign the student out.  Students will only be released to adults listed on their emergency card.  Students will not be released to bike or walk home for appointments or illness.

Questions about attendance? Please contact Sam Thomas at the Donlon office (925-426-4220 or

Safety in and around Donlon - drivers use caution!

No cutting around waiting cars and turning left into the parking lot.

Dorman Street, in front of Donlon, is a two-way street. The lane that travels north (from Luckys towards Donlon) splits into a “left turning” lane and a “going straight” lane. It is absolutely illegal to drive in the “going straight” lane and then turn left into the Donlon parking lot! If you are waiting to enter the parking lot, wait in the turning left lane. When you reach the entrance to the Donlon lot, you may then move towards the parking lot section.

No parking along Dorman Road during pick up or drop off time.

In the southbound lane of Dorman, coming from Denker Road towards Donlon, the curb lane is a no parking zone during school drop off and pick up times. There is a photo of the no parking sign shown below. This lane is intended for people to queue up to turn right into the Donlon parking lot. Do not park here, or block traffic waiting for your child, because people behind you are not able to get around.

Thirdly, there is NO left turn out of the Donlon lot during pick up or drop off hours. (See photo of the no left turn sign as you leave our lot).

Teach Bike Safety for crossing streets

Finally, students leaving the BACK of school must walk their bikes on pathways and across the street. There have been several near misses when children rode into the street instead of walking their bike to cross. When dropping off children do not stop in crosswalks.

Thank you for your attention to these concerns. We want to make sure that Donlon is safe for all of our students! 

No left turn out of the Donlon lot during drop off or pick up times!

22-23 AAFN Flyer (1).pdf