October 2021


One of our fantastic restaurants in downtown Pleasanton, Experience Burma, will donate 20% of proceeds to the Donlon PTA for all dine-in and call-in takeout orders on Monday 10/18 and Tuesday 10/19 (please mention the Donlon fundraiser when ordering).  See flyer to the left.

Thanks for supporting the Donlon PTA!!

You and your child's safety 

Drivers: Turning left as you exit our front driveway is NOT ALLOWED during morning drop off or afternoon pick up times. Thank you for obeying the marked traffic rules (there is a no left turn sign at our exit) during the noted times. Do NOT use your cell phone while driving. Drive SLOWLY and carefully while in our lot or on nearby streets. If you are upset, do NOT get into an argument in front of our children!

Walking: (including those who park and walk): USE THE DESIGNATED CROSSWALKS ONLY! During drop off and pick up time, do not walk across Dorman unless at the crosswalk at Roslin or the crosswalk at Homer. This is called "jaywalking" and is illegal behavior. Within our parking lot, USE THE DESIGNATED CROSSWALKS ONLY! When walking to your parked car, stay on the raised walkways, do not walk between the parked cars. Do not walk through the parked cars as a short cut to walk back to Dorman. Walking around our lot from the front gate to the exit at Dorman is only 220 steps and a lot faster than getting hit by a car would be. Note - there is NO CROSSWALK across the exiting line of cars - walk around the lot, not across the traffic.

Biking:  Follow the same rules as for walking, and get OFF of bike and walk it to cross intersections, get OFF of bike and walk it when around pedestrians on the sidewalk.

We would MUCH prefer that you or your child are a few minutes late than to be injured or dead (or to cause an injury or death).

Jaywalking is dangerous for both pedestrians and drivers. In recent years, vehicle collisions with pedestrians have increased. In 2018, more than 14,000 pedestrians were injured on California roadways according to the California Office of Traffic Safety...Jaywalking is not only dangerous, but also illegal in the state of California because it can catch drivers off guard and interfere with the flow of traffic. (from https://www.penneylawyers.com/car-accidents/what-is-jaywalking-and-is-it-illegal/, accessed 9/23/2021)

THIS Wednesday! Join in the international WALK and ROLL to school day!


10/4-8: Abilities Awareness Week

Here's what we have scheduled:

We encourage families to have discussions at home with our Donlon students to help reinforce what they will be learning throughout next week! 

District English Language Advisory Committee Meeting - Wed, 10/6/21 6 p.m.  - ZOOM LINK

10-6-2021 Chinese DELAC Flyer.pdf
10_6_2021 Spanish DELAC Flyer (1).pdf
10-6-2021 English DELAC Flyer .pdf

Student Photos Update

We have received the photos of students who got their pictures taken on September 8th. They will be sent home with the students shortly. Please note...class pictures will not be sent home until AFTER our Picture Make-Up Day so that all students can be included. If your student wasn't here on September 8th, we have a make-up photo day scheduled for October 13th.

Didn't get a chance to order photos? Click here to order photos that were taken on September 8th.

Health Office News

Vision & Hearing Screening - Oct. 12th & 14th

Grades K, 2nd & 5th

1st Grade Physical Exam 

The state mandated 1st grade physical exam is due by Nov. 9th. 

If we have yet to receive a copy of the exam for your 1st grader, you will be receiving a letter sometime in the next week.  Attached is a copy of the exam form for your doctor to fill out.  We will also accept other formats of the exam from your doctor's office/clinic.

Report of Health Examination for School Entry 

We have an exciting opportunity for you to help at Donlon (or other sites) this year and get paid! Our Child Nutrition Services department is proud to serve free breakfast and lunch this year to all students. With the increased participation in this new federal program, we need your help to meet the needs of our students.

The Pleasanton Unified School District’s Child Nutrition Services department is committed to enhancing the learning environment by providing a variety of foods that support healthy eating habits, positive adult/student interaction, and fast service. We are proponents of a balanced approach to healthy diets for children which appreciates all foods in moderation while recognizing nutrition education, physical activity and parent/guardian support through modeling as crucial components for our children’s health now and in the future.

We have opportunities at Donlon and other sites in the district to work 2-3 hours a day as a Child Nutrition Assistant. This position provides an opportunity for you to help serve our students, help your school site and get paid for your time.  As a paid volunteer, you will work at approximately 3 hours a day, Monday - Friday from 11:30-2:30 at any one of our schools. No long-term commitments required; we appreciate your time. 

For more information, please visit Edjoin to submit an application, or call Mary Fell at (925) 596-3984.

Classified Training Academies.pdf

GATE Testing

Each year all Pleasanton Unified School District (PUSD) third-grade students and nominated 4th-7th grade students have the opportunity to participate in the Cognitive Abilities Test assessment used for identifying Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) students. Due to the cancellation of testing last year, all 3rd grade and fourth grade students, along with those nominated in 4th through 7th grade will have the opportunity to participate. 

The date for GATE testing at Donlon this year is Tuesday, November 2nd. Click here for more details regarding testing.