May 2021


If your student has medication in the school health office, please pick it up before the last day of school. Please come up to the front gate and let the campus supervisor know the name of your student; we will bring it out to you. The person picking up the medication must be at least 18 years of age.

Also, please remember that the Medication Consent forms need to be filled out by the doctor each school year. The consent forms are linked here and can also be found on the P.U.S.D. website.

Please call Jamie Tompkins in the school office at 925-426-4220 if you have any questions.

Returning District-Issued Chromebooks and Hotspots

Chromebook Return


SAFETY UPDATES as of 5-7-2021

Masking rules have not changed for PUSD campuses. The Health Screener will change slightly starting on Monday, May 10th. For more details, see below.

Got Vaccines?

  • Stanford Health Care - ValleyCare Vaccination Appointments for 18 & up: If you are 18 years old or older, you can schedule your appointment for the Alameda County Fairgrounds Drive-through Testing Site by using Stanford Health Care - ValleyCare's MyHealth online platform or by calling 650-498-9000.

  • Vaccination Appointments for 16-17 year olds: Individuals who are aged 16-17 can schedule their vaccination with Stanford Children’s Health. In addition to the general link, there is also a special password-protected link (below) that will open more appointments for students.
    Link: Username: alameda Password: 2k9E!hpZs$

  • Axis Community Health Vaccination Appointments: Axis Community Health located at 5925 West Las Positas Blvd. Suite 100, Pleasanton, Ca. 94588 is also offering vaccination appointments. Call 925-462-1755 to schedule an appointment.

  • Additional Vaccine Information

Alameda County residents can find a vaccine site using a new interactive map through Alameda County Public Health Department's website by entering a preferred zip code to view multiple locations including information about eligibility, appointment status, and how to register. Alameda County residents who do not have access to make a vaccine appointment online can call (510) 208-4VAX for assistance

Important dates:

Friday, May 14th - Minimum Day (schedule below)

Friday, May 28th - Minimum Day, last day of the school year

Elementary School Minimum Day Schedule (TK - 5th Grade )

AM Cohort 8:15AM - 9:30AM

Grab and go cold meal pick-up (curbside)

PM Cohort 10:45AM - 12:00PM

Grab and go meal pick-up (curbside)

Note that SDC grades TK, K, 1 attend 8:15 - 11:30; SDC grades 2, 3, 4, 5 attend 8:15 - 12:00

Asynchronous work for the remainder of the student’s school day will be assigned in accordance with Senate Bill 98

*If hybrid students are not able to attend school in-person on a minimum day or if remote students are not able to participate in online instruction, parents/guardians are to follow normal absent reporting procedures.

Families have reported to our district offices that completely inappropriate words, including words with hateful racial connotations have been used in district schools and have not been addressed by teachers or administrators. Please know that this is not acceptable anywhere, and certainly not at Donlon. Any reports of something that could be hate speech are taken very seriously and addressed immediately.

If you are concerned about words that your child may be using (perhaps online), here is a resource that may be helpful. Another excellent resource for ongoing topics for discussion is the magazine from Learning for Justice.

Let your child know that if they ever have hateful speech directed at them, or hear it directed at others, to please tell their teacher, and Mrs. Gates or Mrs. Stothers immediately. If they tell you, please let us know right away.


Are you moving before the 2021-2022 school year?

If you have already moved, are moving, or will possibly be moving before the start of the 2021/2022 school year, please let us know by filling out the google form linked below.

With all of our grades at or near capacity, such information in advance is vital to our planning process.

If this applies to you, please fill out this MOVING FORM today!

**5th grade students moving onto middle school in PUSD DO NOT need to fill out the form.

If you are moving and you have district materials (chromebook, library books, etc.), please contact the Donlon office at 925-426-4220 to arrange a return.



Kindergarten Parents/Guardians:

The Oral Health Exam requirement is due by the last day of school, May 28th. Please drop off the completed oral health form, signed by your dentist, in the brown mailbox in front of the Donlon office, or you can email a copy to:

Thank you!

Jamie Tompkins

Donlon Health Services Assistant

For parents and guardians of 5th graders who will be attending Hart Middle School next year

You are invited to a parent meeting - please see Zoom invitation at right.

Hart Middle School is inviting you to a Zoom meeting.

Topic: Incoming 6th Grade Parent Night - Hart Middle School

Time: May 4, 2021 06:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 885 6188 6508

Passcode: 156232

One tap mobile

+12133388477,,88561886508#,,,,*156232# US (Los Angeles)

+16692192599,,88561886508#,,,,*156232# US (San Jose)

Dial by your location

+1 213 338 8477 US (Los Angeles)

+1 669 219 2599 US (San Jose)

+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)

Meeting ID: 885 6188 6508

Passcode: 156232

Find your local number:

Join by SIP

Join by H.323 (US West) (US East)

Meeting ID: 885 6188 6508

Passcode: 156232

K- 12th Grade Practice and Extend Summer Session

Looking for extra math and reading reinforcement for your students this summer? See flyer to the left for a virtual option.

Practice & Extend virtual summer school program questions & answers

A Message from Alameda County - Safe Rides to School Program

Parent/Caregiver Survey

April is Safe Routes to Schools evaluation month in Alameda County! Please take this quick 5-minute parent/caregiver survey to inform the program for next year. We’d love to know more about how families used active transportation during the COVID-19 pandemic, their transportation plans after in-person learning resumes, and any concerns about active transportation to and from school post-reopening. All parents who submit a survey by May 14 will be entered to win one of ten $50 REI gift cards. Thank you!

SR2S Parent/ Caregiver Survey:

Take the survey in another language:



Tiếng Việt



Donlon Reorder Flyer.pdf


If your student is going to be absent and unable to participate in distance learning, please remember to call the Donlon office attendance line at 925-426-0403 and leave a message with the reason for the absence.

Are you (or someone you know) considering a school-based job?

Pleasanton Unified is hiring substitute teachers! Please see this Certificated Brochure for more information. Pleasanton Unified is also hiring substitute classified Paraprofessionals, Custodians and Student Supervision Assistants! Please see this Classified Brochure for more information. If you know someone that might be interested in any of these positions, please pass this information along.

Our BEST prevention tools - the three "W"s

Wear a face covering

Wait (so you stay 6 feet apart)

Wash your handS

Please see this important information regarding CAASPP Testing

Spring 2021 Parent Letter MAP Growth_SBAC.pdf

Teacher Appreciation Week: May 3rd-7th, 2021

Please join the Donlon PTA in thanking our teachers!

Each day show your teachers that they are loved and appreciated!

Monday: A genuine compliment can brighten someone’s day!

Give your teacher a compliment to start her/his day! AND Send your teacher a video sharing a few of your favorite things about them. Send it to your class Seesaw, Flipgrid, or through email.

Tuesday: Teachers are Note-worthy!

Write your teacher a thank you note, card, or email telling your teacher what you appreciate about him/her. You can explain how he/she has impacted you this year, thank them for something kind that they've done, or tell them about something they do that makes you smile.

Wednesday: Teachers Color Our World!

Wear your teacher’s favorite color today!! Have fun and get creative with accessories, too!

Thursday: Words of Affirmation! * Affirmation paper *

Think of one positive word that describes your teacher and write the word on the attached paper or use your own. Hybrid students- bring it to class and put it in your teacher’s Affirmation Jar in your classroom. Remote students- send your word in Seesaw or email with the subject “Word of Affirmation”.

Friday: You Make Us Bloom!

Give a flower (fresh, fake or handmade/drawn) to your teacher! Hybrid students can bring it to class. Remote students can turn it into them virtually.

Reminder: Don’t Forget ALL of Our Wonderful Teachers

We encourage you to send one or more of these tokens of appreciation to any of the other amazing teachers that your child sees to make them feel appreciated this week!

Remember the wonderful Aides in your child’s life, too!

Mrs. Bammer (A-PE)

Mrs. Cereda (PE)

Mrs. Doherty (Counselor)

Mrs. Hanafee (Science)

Mrs. Hoang (Psychologist)

Mrs. Koh-Zakaria (Speech)

Mrs. Lawrence (Music)

Mrs. Millerick (Resource)

Ms. Mott (Resource)

Mrs. Murray (PE)

Mrs. Rich (Intervention)

Mrs. Routh (Speech)

If you have questions, contact: or

District Survey Open Until May 4

All parents were emailed an invitation with links to take the district survey. Please refer to the link in your email, or you can also access the PUSD survey here:

This information will help with decisions for Donlon and for the whole district - thank you for taking the time to participate!


Donlon's School Site Council and English Learner Advisory Committee approved our School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) for the 2021-2022 school year. Our Pleasanton Unified School Board will review each school's SPSA and present them to the Alameda County Office of Education. A huge "Thank you" to the School Site Council Members for all of their work this year. Our final meeting of the year is May 5, all are welcome to attend this virtual meeting at 5 p.m.

Share your ideas! Our district is seeking input on planning for the Expanded Learning Opportunity Grant ($9.3 million). Our district representatives have met with administration, teachers, and the community, and families are asked to share their ideas using this form. Ideas will be discussed with the board at the May 6th board meeting, and the final proposal will be presented to our school board at the May 20th board meeting.