2022-23 Budget Information

Welcome to the 2022-23 Plainville Board of Education Budget Information page.  Here you will find information, presentations, documents, a Question & Answer feature, and more regarding the 2022-23  budget cycle.  

FY 2022-23 Plainville Board of Education Operating Budget Status:

4/26/22: The Town of Plainville & Board of Education budgets passed as presented to voters during the town-wide budget vote on 4/26/22.

 Vote Tally Information:

Town Government:

Yes: 378 (76%)

No: 121 (24%)

Board of Education:

Yes: 362 (72%)

No: 139 (28%)

Thank you to the Board and Town Council for passing our budget unanimously and to residents for approving it at referendum.  We do not take lightly your trust in us and the investment you make.  I'm sharing below one more time the budget commitments that  serve as guideposts to us through the budget  process and will remain so into the 2022- 23 school year.  We believe that high functioning schools directly benefit our students and are also at the heart of a strong community.  Plainville has much to be proud of and we are grateful to be a part of it.

-Steven K. LePage, Superintendent

Superintendent's Budgeting Commitments:

Board Of Education

 Budget Overview Infographic

Superintendent's Budget Presentations

2022-23 Budget Book

2022-23 Budget Questions & Answers

2022- 23 BOE Budget Development  & Approval Timeline

Board Of Education Capital Schedule

Town of Plainville Budget Information Archive