2025-26 Budget Information

Welcome to the 2025-26 Plainville Board of Education Budget Information page.  Here you will find information, presentations, documents, a Question & Answer feature, and more regarding the  2025-26 budget cycle.  

Throughout the 25-26 Plainville Community Schools budget preparation process, our school district remains steadfast in aligning our financial planning with our strategic plan and core priorities of Mastery, Equity, Community Connections, and Systems and Operations. Our decisions are guided by our commitment to ensuring equitable opportunities and experiences for all students, while providing the resources and support necessary to help them thrive now and in the future. Through a collective focus  and careful stewardship of resources, we strive to strengthen and enhance the tenets and systems that drive success in our classrooms, in our schools, and in our community. By maintaining an equity lens on the budget process, we ensure that our investments reflect our district's Goals and Beliefs, and meet the diverse needs of our students, families and staff.  

We invite you to be part of the budget preparation process in reviewing the information provided on this website, submitting questions through the "Q & A" feature, attending budget meetings, and voting on April 29, 2025. 

2025-26 Budget Documentation

Superintendent's Budget Presentation to the Board of Education 1/14/25: This presentation by the Superintendent to the Board of Education provided the overview that then led into the budget details.

FY25 Forecast & FY26 Budget Book: Fiscal Year 2025 Forecast | Superintendent's Budget Summary | Superintendent's Budget Details

Board of Education Budget Workshops: Budget Workshop #2 1/16/25 | Budget Workshop #3 1/21/25 

Board of Education Budget: Budget Discussion and Vote 2/10/25 ª | Presentation to the Town Council and BOE 3/3/25 ª

 ª To be added

Budget Calendar : Budget meeting dates and tasks ending with the town budget vote

Five Year Capital Plan Proposal Approved by the BOE 12/9/24 : The first phase of the budget process is the development of a five year capital plan. Items included here are significant projects or initiatives that preserve, enhance, or expand the District's resources and assets. These improvements include any efforts with costs exceeding $5,000 or a total five-year expenditure of $50,000 or more, and a lifespan of over one year. Additionally, computer and information technology equipment are included in the Capital Improvement Plan due to their strategic and non-recurring nature. The Board approved the 2025 - 2030 capital plan proposal at its regular meeting of December 9, 2024 and details are included in the link above.