What is Enrichment?

ENRICHMENT? What's that?

Enrichment is a chance to do homework during the last 45 minutes of the school day!

Enrichment is a period that will enhance your middle school experience by giving you time for independent reading and structured study time.

Sustained silent reading or SSR will be every day for the first 20 minutes. You MUST have an SSR book with you each day. After the first 20 minutes, students may work quietly on homework assignments and will have the opportunity to seek extra help from available teachers. Students must have a pass from a teacher before enrichment begins if they plan on going to see that teacher after the SSR period.

You must be prepared with your binder, agenda planner and study materials. This is a good time to get help from a teacher if you did not understand an assignment. If you have no study materials with you, then you will be expected to continue reading silently.

Other Enrichment days may include:

•Positive behavior lessons

•Study skills and organization

•Goal setting and preparation for student led conferences

•Binder checks for binder organization and required supplies

•Team- and grade- wide activities and meetings

[Please note that Enrichment is not a free period, nor is there enough time allotted for students to complete all of their homework. Students are expected to complete homework on their own time after school and should not wait until enrichment to complete homework.]