Student Success Plan Grade 7

What You Can Expect From Your School Counselor in Grade 7:

Plainfield Central Middle School is committed to developing a plan for every student in alignment with the State of Connecticut Student Success Plan initiative. The Student Success Plan aims to support students in their academic, career, social, emotional, and physical development beginning in grade 6 and continuing through high school graduation. Plainfield school counselors, alongside other middle and high school staff, engage all students in structured activities in and outside the classroom. Every student will have the opportunity to experience a set of structured activities that support goal-setting for middle school, high school, and beyond.

Our Student Success Plan is built around three core components: Academic (A), Career (C), and Personal/Social Development (P/S).

The activities listed below are what your Grade 7 student will take part in to ensure each component of the Student Success Plan is being fulfilled.

Needs Assessment (A, C, P/S) Students complete a needs assessment at the beginning of each school year to help identify areas of concern and assist in the goal setting process.

Developmental Counseling Lessons (A, C, P/S) The following topics are delivered in a classroom setting: Career Exploration, Setting High School Goals, Positive Self-Talk, Study Skills, Time Management and Organization, Learning Styles, Social Media Usage, Managing Stressful Feelings, Group Skills, Verbal and Non Verbal Communication.

Virtual Job Shadow (A, C) Students complete an Interest Inventory, Strengths Inventory, and Personality Profile as part of a series of developmental career counseling lessons.

Planning Meetings (A, C, P/S) Students meet with their school counselor twice per year, to discuss progress on academic and personal goals and completion of their Personal Learning Plan.

Royals Rally (A, C, P/S) Topics in the core component areas of Perseverance, Respect, Integrity, Decision Making, and Excellence are addressed through activities conducted in homeroom periods on a daily basis.

MTSS/SRBI Assessments and Services (A) Students are monitored in the classroom in the areas of reading, writing, and math based on state performance standards.

Counseling Groups (A, P/S) School counselors offer groups during the year that address the following topics: Self-Esteem/ Confidence, Stress & Anxiety, Social Skills, and Study & Academic Skills. Students may refer themselves or be referred by a parent/guardian or staff member.

Career Day (C):

Team Building (P/S):