Plainfield High School

Summer 2020 Information

Preparing for the 2020-2021 School Year

We compiled resources for students to stay sharp during the summer. We look forward to the 2020-2021 school year and want it to be the best year yet!

This includes important information about required summer reading for students who plan to take Honors/AP English courses in the Fall.


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Students who plan to return to PHS for the 2020-2021 school year will keep their Chromebooks during the summer. Please remember that these devices are the property of PHS and student's are responsible for them. If you need any technology support during the summer, please see the information below.

Technology Support

Summer School

Plainfield High School students who would like to take summer classes were encouraged to sign up for classes through Indiana Online.

Classes started on June 8th.

The program has slightly different final exam plans based on Covid 19. Please see their website for more details.

Enroll at:

Students must be enrolled by June 5th for IO courses.

Contact your counselor with questions.


If a student needs an item from their locker, we will make every effort to return it to them as soon as possible. Please complete the following form to tell us what you need from your locker. You will be notified as soon as we are able to locate the item for you to pick up.


**There are programs, like show choir, that are making plans to distribute student owned items that are stored at school. Please look out for more information about this distribution.

Student Schedules

Schedules are now visible to students. Remember, these are preliminary. Student schedules are not considered final until the first day of school.

Throughout the summer, counselors will continue to make corrections to students schedules to fix conflicts. Sometimes this results in a student having to make a choice between two classes that are only offered during one period. Students are not able to make changes to their schedule to have a certain teacher.

After May 1st, changes in a student’s courses may be made only for the following reasons:

  • Failure of a course required for graduation

  • Request to add a course required for college (with documentation from the college)

  • Failure of a course required for entrance into post-secondary education

  • A student has failed with a teacher previously in a course, and he/she is assigned to the same teacher for exactly the same course (if different teacher is available)

  • A program (Area 31, Internship, or Higher Education) change

  • Adding a class to continue the sequence of a year-long course

  • Failure of a prerequisite class, i.e., anything that would prevent a student from going on to a requisite course as published in the Pathfinder

  • Requests to change levels should be addressed before the current school year ends to include teacher recommendations and input. (A request to change the level of an academic course during the summer may be difficult. In some cases these requests may be deferred to the first month of school to obtain high school teacher input.)

  • Adding a seventh course to replace study hall

Quaker Shaker

The final edition of the award-winning Quaker Shaker is now available. It is included below.

Quaker Shaker

Report Cards

Student report cards were mailed home in early June. If you did not receive a copy, please call the office. (317) 839-7711

SAT Testing Update

Some information to check out if you had planned to take an SAT this past spring or early next fall. There is a priority registration window for some situations and for certain dates.

Welcome, Class of 2024

Freshmen / New Student Orientation and Parent Night

These events are planned for the week of July 27th.

Stay tuned for how these important events will be made available to you.

Work Permits

Please email the following form, filled out completely, to include in the email your;

If you are a PHS student (If NOT please include a copy of either birth certificate or state issued ID)

Date of Birth,

State you were born in,

and name of parent/guardian who signed the form.

Please make sure the employer, yourself and parent/guardian signs the form.

After Mrs. Landis receives the completed form from you she will process the work permit and will email you when you can pick it up inside door#1 from the "pick up" table at PHS.


Plainfield High School yearbooks should be available for distribution in August 2020. Expect more information from Mrs. Burress and her team when they arrive.

Have a great summer!