Port Jervis Middle School

Physical Education


Class overview

Physical Education Class focuses on a wide range of physical, social, and emotional development. Some development areas include different locomotor movements (running, jumping, skipping...etc), gameplay strategies (give-and-go, zone defense, bump-set-spike... etc), Sportsmanship (following rules, helping others, problem solving) and Physical Fitness (Aerobic fitness, muscle strength, endurance, balance... etc).

 Class Expectancy:

Students are expected to come to class ready and prepared. Sneakers or athletic footwear are a priority for class. Due to the nature of the class and the amount of movement that is required, Uggs, Boots, Crocs, Slides, or heels are not allowed for participation due to safety reasons. 

Grading Policy: 

Students are graded on a 0, 5 or 10  point system. Students can receive a maximum of 10 points a day. 

0 - Student is unprepared (Wrong footwear), or is a discipline issue in class. 

5 - Student is prepared (footwear), but does not participate in some or any of the activities

10 - Student is prepared (footwear) and participates in all activities. 


Medical Concerns:

All medical notes from a doctor should be turned into the nurse. The nurse will then notify the Phys Ed teacher and excuse the student from participating in class. Doctors' notes should be labeled with either a "Return to play date" or a separate note clearing the student to return to play. A student cannot return to play without prior approval from a doctor. 

For issues that occur at home that are less severe, a signed, written note from a parent or guardian can also excuse a student from class for a singular day. In both instances, the students' grade will not be affected from a medical issue.

 Peggy Roda



Jordan Drew

