English 9

English 9 

This 1 credit required English class will introduce the following literary genres: Novel, Short Story, and Poetry. Students will engage in critical thinking through literary analysis of class texts. They will learn to work in collaborative teams. Students will build on what they have learned in previous years, as they develop as readers, thinkers, speakers, and writers. This is a required course for freshmen.

Essential Standards Covered in 9th Grade

Unit 1: Short Stories- 1-2 Weeks 

In this unit, students will be reading a handful of short stories. Along with the reading, students will be learning about plot diagrams and working on making their own. They will also be learning about the elements of short stories, which will help them later when connecting elements of short stories to the elements of novels. 

Stories To Be Read:


Unit 2: Poetry- 1-2 weeks

In the poetry unit, students will be learning about figurative language, mood, tone, and rhyme schemes. Students will also work on annotating poems and sharing what they think the author is trying to say.

Poems to be Read:


Unit 3: Societal Norms with The Outsiders- 3-4 weeks

Students will be reading The Outsiders as their first class novel. While reading The Outsiders, the students will be researching popular topics of the 1960’s to help them understand the background and time frame of the story. Students will also take place in discussions of the books, as well as write a compare and contrast essay and an essay to show they understood the novel.


Unit 4: Prejudice and Growing Up with To Kill a Mockingbird- 4-5 weeks

The students will take what they learned about societal norms and apply them to To Kill a Mockingbird which takes place around 1933-1935. On top of that, they will learn about the prejudices that took place in that time period, as well as what growing up looks like in this book as it is told in the perspective of a child. Students will be researching popular topics covered in the book between 1930-1960 so that they have a better understanding of the historical background of the book. The students will also dive deep into the theme of growing up and maturing.


Unit 5: Human Nature and its Flaws in Lord of the Flies- 4-5 weeks

Students will finish the semester with learning about human civilization and how human nature can sometimes be flawed. Students will be reading Lord of the Flies where they will learn more about theme, symbolism, characterization, and sharing evidence from the book.  
