
Jared Peters

Narrator, Lefou, Vilager and Lumiere

Delaney Klamrowski

Prince/Beast and Silly Girl

Emily Griffith


Cody Gonzalez


Olivia Moore

Old Woman/Enchantress, Madame de la Grande Bouche, Servant and a Villager

Natalie Fuller

Maurice and Servant

Sonya Merritt

Cogsworth and Vilager

Autumn McDaniel

Mrs. Potts and Villager

Kathryn Klamrowski

Babette, Silly Girl, and Servant

Rachel Schooley

Silly Girl, Babette, Servant, and a Villager

Addy Elsasser

Chip and Villager

Lyllian Dankemeyer

Silly Girl, Villager, and Servant