PMHS Physics

Home Page

Welcome to Physics!

Daily attendance in this class is crucial to build skills and understanding, but there are lots of resources to support you!

Course-At-A-Glance: Links to the unit plans and daily agendas, with the approximate timeframes in the course. The Daily Agenda gives you the specifics of what we work on each day, with the most relevant resource materials linked right on the doc. If you have to miss class, you should use the daily agenda to try to keep pace until you can touch base with peers and the teacher. While the unit plans are written for educators, they are publicly available.

Resources Folder: All of the class resources are available in public google folders - even additional support materials from other years.

Competencies and Rubrics: All of the course competencies and rubrics. You earn credit when you demonstrate mastery of each of the competencies. Note that there is a detail rubric for C1 (Nature of Science) to help be even more specific about the criteria.

Syllabus: Outlines the course expectations and class norms, including the expected major assessments for each competency. Remember - YOU can propose alternate means of assessment! Work with your teacher!

Calendar: The google classroom calendar for physical science shows when Ms Armour is available afterschool. (Sorry, a limitation of google classroom is that I can't put it in one place for two different classes. ) Be sure to just talk to Ms Armour if you need to arrange a different time.

Teacher Contact Information

Kiza Armour

435-6701 x4114 (preferred contact method)