My Classroom

click on logos and items in room to go to different sites

How to contact Mrs. Z:

Classdojo: Mrs. Z’s distance learning classroom (see login page)

Leave message on these sites/ emails for more assistance.

Clever Login

site code: 630600

login:lunch ##### pw:pusd#####

Login with Clever. Clever is the login site where you can access:

Khan academy, I-ready, Imagine Learning, and NewsEla.

Khan Academy has lessons and videos on various topics that can be assigned.

I-Ready is a platform for learning and engaging in lessons in Math and Reading

Imagine Learning is a leveled way to improve English and grammer skills

NewsEla is webiste where students can read articles assigned to them and discover some for themselves.

Google classroom: 43xa3f4

  • Freckle : code:zuvelk

Type in first and Last name

Prodigy Code: 2A87BE4